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来源:本站原创 更新:2011/12/27 字体:



  In the cartoon above,two men combined with each other catch my eye intriguingly.Both of them lacked a leg,however they were running repidly and left their sticks behind. At the bottom of the picture,two sentences stand there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:"both of us got one leg,nevertheless,we can integrate into an organiztion,so that we can go everwhere we want."A bit instructive the picture is.It is not difficult to deduce that what the cartoonist intends to show us is the interdependence among the people.

  It goes without saying that each person has got his own fault.However the way,which people treat with their own shortcoming vary from person to person.Some people show over passionate attitudes towards their fault.Unfortunately,this uncorrect attitudes will strongly exert negative influences on their behaviors and feelings.They will be pessimistic about everything they encounter,and can not withstand the pressure imposed on them,even put an end to their life.While,other people often show gratitude to everything and accept the fact that they are not perfect.They reckon that although they have got their own shortcoming,they can come to resort to their friends for help and supplement with each other,then everything will be much easier.From this,shortcoming can transfor into advantage.Just as the saying gose:"many hands make light thing."

  In my opinion,I think we should put ourselves down to the earth and do not complain about what we were suffered.The crucial point is what can we do to make up for our shortcoming and make our life smooth in the unpleasant situation.One of best way to overcome our shortcoming is that people come together and combine with each other,just like what cartoonist want to convey us.



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