Deadly beauty
Jun 8th 2006 | SAN FRANCISCO
From The Economist print edition
KEVIN HINES, a manic-depressive, was 19 and in one of his weekly downswings on an o_______① Monday morning in 2000. He went to the nearby Golden Gate Bridge to kill himself mostly because, with only a four-foot (1.2-metre) railing to leap, “I figured it was the easiest way.” He dived over, but flipped and hit the water at 75mph with his feet first. His legs were crushed, but he somehow stayed conscious and started paddling[1] with his u_______② body until the Coast Guard fished him out.
凯文 海因斯是一个19岁的躁狂抑郁症患者。在2000年一个天气阴沉的星期一早晨,他像往常一样感到浑身不得劲。于是,他走到附近的金门大桥,之所以选择在那里了断余生,主要是因为只需要翻过一排四英尺(1.2米)高的栏杆,“我觉得这样自杀最简单。”他越过栏杆,纵身跳下,但在空中翻了几个跟头之后,他的脚先碰到了水面,腿摔折了,不过意识还有些清醒,于是上身开始用力扑腾,直到海岸巡逻队队员把他捞上岸。