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来源:本站原创 更新:2013/7/22 字体:

下面我们以2013年考研英语真题中里出现的同义替换简要跟大家来分享下,希望在以后的阅读过程中注意此类选项和原文做对比, 以提高做题效率。

Text1 是一篇讲述如何在对话中有效使用幽默的文章

1:To make your humor work, you should ________.

答案C:addressdifferent problems to different people

定位原文:Depending on whom you areaddressing, the problems will be different.

答题要点:既然是细节题,并且出现在第一道,那么应该正确答案理应出现在文章前面段落,并且很可能就是第一段.正确选项和原文之间并非出现词汇的同义替换, 而是换了句型.

2:The joke about doctors implies that, in the eyes of nurses, they are________.

正确答案B:veryconscious of their godlike role

原文复现:"Who is that?" the newarrival asked St. Peter. "Oh, that's God," came the reply, "butsometimes he thinks he's a doctor."

答题要点:这个题目难度较大, 但是解本题的时候, 除了找到此同义替换局外, 还有一点是关键的, 那就是这个例子出现的背景, 那就是护士对医生有着一致的看法和观点, 并且绝对不是一种好的评价, 所以才会拿来开玩笑. 所以再结合原文, 应该推断, B为正确选项.说明医生很在乎自己上帝般的角色God再次出现。

3: It can be inferred from the text that public services ________.

正确答案D:haveoften been the laughing stock

原文定位:You will be on safer ground ifyou stick to scapegoats like the Post Office or the telephone system.

答题要点:the Post Office or the telephonesystem与public services属于上下义的关系,因此一定程度上属于同义替换, 并且laughing stock与scapegoats如果仔细看这段文字的话医,,学全在.线提.供www.med126.com, 也会发现, 其实就是同义的表达而已.

4:To achieve the desired result, humorous stories should be delivered________.

答案D:ascasually as possible

原文定位:If you feel awkward beinghumorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural. Include a fewcasual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxedand unforced manner.

答题要点:先定位, 然后再来分析发现原文中nature, casual, off-the-cuff,relaxed,unforced全都是答案中casually的同义词, 如此之多, 完全可以判定正确选项D


1: Human ingenuity was initially demonstrated in________.

正确答案C:theinvention of tools for difficult and dangerous work

原文定位:Since the dawn of humaningenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work thatis dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty.

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