citizens' participation in political affairs 公民政治参与
civic duty 公民职责
fairness and justice 公平和正义
civil servants 公务员
system of public servants 公务员制度
to consolidate and uplift 巩固和提高
to consolidate and uplift 顾全大局
bear in mind the overall interests 顾全大局
the bureaucratic style of work 官僚主义作风
implement贯彻 医,学,全,在,线,提,供
a glorious page in the annals 光辉史册的一页
pightness and progress 光明和进步
a glorious patriotic tradition 光荣的爱国主义传统
poad space for development 广阔的发展空间
gather large numbers of talented people 广纳群贤
national defense 国防
national defense capabilities 国防实力
a highly volatile international situation 国际局势风云变幻
international organizations 国际性组织
state sovereignty and security国家的主权和安全
state-to-state relations 国家关系
comprehensive improvement of land and resources 国土资源综合整治
common aspirations of all peoples 国人的共同愿望
State Council 国务院
transitional period 过渡期
peace, justice and progress 和平,正义,进步
peaceful reunification 和平统一
negotiations and peaceful reunifications 和平统一谈判
peace and development 和平与发展