来源:本站原创 更新:2016/6/6 字体:
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Implementation of Sample Graphic P
MENG Xiang-bao;WANG Xiao-yu;WANG Lei;Facial Beautification Method Based
CHEN Yan;DING Shou-hong;HU Gan-le;MA Li-zhuang;A New Medical Image Enhancement Ba
DONG Ai-bin;HE Jun;Binocular Visual Navigation and Ob
WANG Meng-di;HAN Bao-ling;LUO Qing-sheng;Image Interpolation Through Surfac
ZHANG Ling;LI Xue-mei;Constructing C~1 Continuous Surfac
HE Jun;GUO Qiang;Construction of Endpoint Constrain
LI Pei-pei;ZHANG Xin;ZHANG Ai-wu;The Structural Design, Simulation
LUO Qing-sheng;KE Zhi-fang;ZHANG Bo-xi;LIU Fang-zheng;Optimization of Rolling Force Dist
LIU Zi-ping;LI Li-xin;Tire Defect Detection Using Local
XIANG Yuan-yuan;Body Structure Design, Simulation
LUO Qing-sheng;HOU Yuan;ZHANG Ze-zheng;ZHAO Hai-bo;Analysis on Width Spread of Cold R
YANG Guang-hui;DENG Chi;Mean Square Stability of the Compo
ZHU Xiao-lin;PENG Hu;Application of Solidworks in Teach
SHI Feng-qin;LI Jin-zhe;Exploration on the Integration of
ZHANG Ting-ting;SHI Feng-qin;INDEX CADDM 2013, Vol.2 论文QQ81995535 3
Call for Papers
北大核心 统计源核心 CSCD CSCD扩展 国家级期刊 省级期刊 杂志见刊