江苏大学医学院2005年细胞生物学(硕士) |
一、将下列英文名词译成中文 20分(共10个,每个2分) |
1. antioncogene |
2. bacterium |
3. cell fusion |
4. centrosome |
5. enhancer |
6. differentiation |
7. free radical theory |
8. intron |
9. eukaryotic cell |
10. lysosome |
二、简答题 60分(共6题,每题10分) |
1.细胞生物学研究的主要内容是什么? |
2.单克隆抗体的制备过程。 |
3.生物膜的基本结构特征及生理功能。 |
4.什么是真核生物mrna前体的拼接(splicing)? |
5.蛋白质翻译后加工有哪些方式? |
6.细胞周期包含哪四个时期,各时期的主要特征是什么? |
三、问答题 60分(共3题,每题20分) |
1.细胞研究的重要历 容及意义。 | 史阶段划分成哪几个阶 | 段?阐述细胞学说的内 |
2.阐述真核生物细胞的主要细胞器及功能。 |
3.癌细胞的主要特征 ,是哪3大类并举例说 | 是什么?致癌因素根据 明。 | 性质大体上分为3大类 |
四、英文译成中文 10分 |
self-repro he most fu stic of ce or all liv ells repro two, with iving rise ls on comp of cell d formed da mselves gr g rise to n formed b ision of a l and its lest case, th and div bacterium nsisting o y cells du ation on a gar medium case, repe growth and the develo rtilized e n 1013 cel human body | duction is ndamental lls—as may ing organi duce by di each paren to two da letion of ivision. t ughter cel ow and div a new cell y the grow single pa progeny. i such cycl ision allo to form a f millions ring overn plate of . in a mor ated cycle division pment of a gg into th ls that ma . | perhaps t characteri be said f sms. all c viding in tal cell g ughter cel each cycle hese newly ls can the ide, givin populatio th and div rental cel n the simp es of grow w a single colony co of progen ight incub nutrient a e complex s of cell result in single fe e more tha ke up the |
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