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来源:本站原创 更新:2012/5/23 字体:
联系方式(Email): gaoxiang@nju.edu.cn
1985年于南京大学生物系获动物学学士学位,1988于南京大学生物化学系获蛋白质化学硕士学位,1994年获美国Thomas Jeferson大学发育生物学与解剖学博士学位www.med126.com,1994年至1997年先后在美国Roche分子生物学研究所和Jackson实验室做博士后研究。1997年至2000年任美国北卡大学神经科学中心研究助理。2000年3月受聘为南京大学教授,2001年受聘为博士生导师及教育部长江奖励计划特聘教授。现为国家遗传工程小鼠资源库主任,南京大学模式动物研究所所长,南京大学医学院副院长。
1. Zhao J, Ding J, Li YQ, Ren KQ, Sha JH, Zhu MS, *Gao X (2009) HnRNP U mediates the long-range regulation of Shh expression during limb development. Hum Mol Genet. in press
2. Wang Q, Jiang L, Wang J, Li S, Yu Y, You J, Zeng R, Gao X, Rui L, Li W, Liu Y (2009) Abrogation of hepatic ATP-citrate lyase protects against fatty liver and ameliorates hyperglycemia in leptin receptor-deficient mice. Hepatology. In press
3. Lin C, Jiang X, Dai Z, Guo X, Weng T, Wang J, Li Y, Feng G, *Gao X, *He L (2009) Sclerostin mediates bone response to mechanical unloading via antagonizing Wnt/b-catenin signaling. J Bone Miner Res, in press
4. Ding J, Gao Y, Zhao J, Yan H, Guo SY, Zhang QX, Li LS, *Gao X(2009)Pax6 haploinsufficiency causes abnormal metabolic homeostasis by down-regulating GLP-1 in mice. Endocrinology, in press
5. Wen JH, Chen YY, Song SJ, Ding J, Gao Y, Hu QK, Feng RP, Liu YZ, Ren GC, Zhang CY, Hong TP, *Gao X, and *Li LS  (2009) Paired box 6 (PAX6) regulates glucose metabolism via proinsulin processing mediated by prohormone convertase 1/3 (PC1/3). Diabetologia, 52(3):504-13.
6. Wang X, Zhang Y, Xiao G, Gao X, Liu XL (2009) c-Fos enhances survival of thymocytes during positive selection by upregulating Bcl-2.  Cell Res. 19:340-7www.med126.com
7. Liu ZP, Zhang CL, Li Y, Wu ZY, Qian F, Yang XL, He WJ, Gao X, Guo Z (2009) A Zn2+ fluorescent sensor derived from 2-(pyridin-2-yl)benzoimidazole with ratiometric sensing potential. Organic letters 11:795-8
8. Qian F, Zhang CL, Zhang Y, He WJ, Gao X, Hu P, Guo ZJ (2009) Visible light excitable Zn2+ fluorescent sensor derived from an intramolecular charge transfer fluorophore and its in vitro and in vivo application. Journal of the American Chemical Society 131:1460-8
9. Zhang YF, Li H, Wang XM, Gao X, Liu XL (2009) Regulation of T cell development and activation by creatine kinase B. PLoS ONE 4:e5000
10. Chen H, Jin H, Du CY, Gu PY, Wang CY, Zhang QX, Gao X(2008)Establishment of transgenic mice expressing SV40T in parietal cells. Acta Anatomica Sinica 39: 699-702
11. Ding XF, Luo C, Ren KQ, Zhang J, Zhou JL, Hu X, Liu RS, Wang Y, *Gao X, *Zhang J (2008)  Characterization and expression of a human KCTD1 gene containing the BTB domain, which mediates transcriptional repression and homomeric interactions. DNA and Cell Biology 27: 257-265

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