1. 解释关系
例题:By 1995, the year she died, the business had grown so much that she had decided to remain involved only in the area of design. ______.
正确选项:The creative side of things was what she had always enjoyed most.
例题分析:design这个词的中文意思大家肯定很熟悉,但笔者如果提个问题,不知道有多少读者能回答出来:What is the essential quality(nature) of a successful designer?(一个成功的设计师的基本素质是什么?究竟怎样的人可以被称之为设计师?)答案是:He or she must have original mind.(必须具有创新思维。)选项中的the creative side of things 是对前句中the area of design的最好解释。其实任何语言学习的最高境界就是对语言所表达的思想的精确理解,而不是表面的语言现象。笔者留一个简单的问题给读者思考:Who can be called entrepreneurs(企业家)?
2. 例证关系
例题:Manager should provide regular feedback to their staff._____.
正确选项:For example, when good work has been done it must be praised.
3. 因果关系
前后句的逻辑是因果关系,常见的逻辑表达有:because, for , since, as, the reason is that,
result in /from , be due to , be attributed to 等等。还有一些表示因果逻辑关系的表达是比较隐蔽的,如:underlie (前者构成后者的基础,实际是前者是因,后者是果),再如:in response to(前者作为后者的回应,即后者是因,前者是果)。希望考生在平日英语学习中多作总结,这对考研各个部分的解题都有好处。
例题:There is no doubt that, in an increasingly competitive trading environment , we are better equipped than ever to compete and to win and we feel increasingly optimistic.______.
正确选项:This is due to our now having a clear strategy with a focus on the customer, product improvement and store refurbishment.
例题分析:选项句中有一个非常重要的形容词clear,这个词足以说明该公司的strategy(战略)是正确的,一家公司有着清晰而正确的战略思想当然会使其蒸蒸日上。空格前面一句正是讲的该公司踌躇满志,十分乐观。空格句开头的this is due to 反映出这样的因果逻辑关系。
例题:Company both large and small have spend large sums of money on improving office computer facilities._________. It seems that business have failed to apply the developments in technology to greater effect.
正确选项:However , this enormous investment has not improved productivity as expected.
例题分析:空格前句作者如果不是正面也至少可以说是中性的描述:公司无论大小都在改进自己的办公室的硬件方面不惜血本投资。空格后面的一句中有一个明确的表示负面评价的词fail to。如果没有空格中的这句话,前后两句的逻辑出现了断层(logical gap)。所以考生可以在备选项中搜寻转折逻辑的各种表达法,很快就能找出正确的选项。