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来源:考研教育网 更新:2007/1/16 字体:



  Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should

  1. describe the picture

  2. interpret its implied meaning,and

  3. give your own comment.

千里之堤 溃于蚁穴

  (注释:蚁穴ant nest)


  Little Mistake Leads to Fatal Failure

  As is vividly indicated in the picture, a powerful long dam is built to prevent the river from flooding people's houses and fields. However,it can be unexpectedly destroyed just due to an ant nest, whose destructive power [多用形容词和副词,表达你的情感和态度,这是描述句的特点。] are too commonly seen to ignore in a real life. How thought-provoking and constructive the scene is!

  What can be implied from the picture? It is what follows: To begin with, in our study or work, people are usually blind to petty bad habits that limit individual progress and development, such as absent-minded mood and dozing off in the public. What's more, lots of details, if not treated properly, have often become hazard and bring about losses; for instance, many fires were caused widely by carelessness of smoking or other factors. Also, the ignorance of trifles and chores will make much waste and pollution. For instance, some people are not sensitive to water waste, and still some are accustomed to throwing rubbish everywhere at their will. All this may mostly spoil the peaceful and harmonious environment. Therefore, everyone ought to consider the little misdeeds, bad habits and the like [等等]; stop them on time and you will make your career go well and smoothly.

  In my view, as for potential youth, above all, we should not ignore little problems, and do our best to reduce the possibility of accident. Besides, we have to control our behaviors and establish good habits rationally. At last, we ought to remind people around of the saying: Little mistake may lead to failure。 [前呼后应、一气呵成] Only in this way can we avoid dangers and keep us away from disaster, striding into harmonious society.

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