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来源:考研教育网 更新:2007/1/16 字体:



  Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should

  1. describe the picture

  2. interpret its implied meaning,and

  3. give your own comment.



  Grandfather Doing Homework for His Grandson

  As is vividly betrayed in the drawing above, the grandfather is so tired as to sleep(doze off),for he has[现在完成进行时] been doing all his grandson's homework. And we can find that [用过渡词语] the undone homework is still before this excessively overworked old man.[这句话描写得很好] The drawing exposes a common phenomenon in our society. How thought-provoking it is!

  The implied meaning of the drawing is worth discussing. To begin with, the youngster generation are not working hard so much as older generation since they are not willing to do all the jobs by themselves. Take boring [名词包装表达你的语气和态度] homework as example. Very often it is found that all these tasks are left to parents and grandparents[用同义词语]. Is it unilateral responsibility for the youngster generation? I think it's partly because the old generation should undertake the responsibility for this phenomenon. The older generation love their youngsters too dearly that they fear the youngster generation may bear a little suffering; so the old, if possible, do everything for the young. The result is that the old generation are excessively overworked while [对比关系] the youngster generation are becoming useless without fundamental life skills.

  To conclude, as solid youngsters, in my view, we can not go father and fly higher if we youth excessively depend on the old generation. [此句运用得很好] And the older generation should encourage youngsters to make their own careers[正面论证]. As long as much trained in difficulties and challenges, [年轻人只有经过磨练,百炼成钢,这样的含义需要写出来]we Chinese youths will soon be strong players in this competitive globe.

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