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来源:考研教育网 更新:2007/1/16 字体:



  Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should

  1. describe the picture

  2. interpret its implied meaning,and

  3. give your own comment.



  Keep Our Achievements Progressing

  As can be seen from the picture,a big worm is leisurely enjoying an apple. It's obvious that the apple represents achievements while the worm represents law-breakers or some wicked guys. What is implied in the picture is that great achievements are sometimes undermined by illegal acts and even crimes.

  To illustrate,our socialist construction and its achievements can be compared to the large ripe apple and law-breakers to the worm. Since China implements the policy of reform and opening to the outside world and especially since China gained its entry into the WTO,China/s economy has been growing at an unprecedented speed,with its annual GDP increasing by over 7 percent. Chinese people's standard of living has been greatly improved even since. But the law-breakers are doing harm to country's interests——stealing,robbing,and destructing the public facilities. Worse still, some officials,as it is reported,have made frequent negligence to set aside the public funds for their own purpose. Hence,all these vicious acts may largely ruin the achievements that Chinese people have strenuously attained.

  To completely wipe out theseworms,effective pesticidesmust be developed and applied. Thereby,the first and foremost thing to do is(to)keep alert and seek out those pests as early as possible. To put it in other words,concerted efforts should be made to keep our society developing more energetically so that all the people can share the brilliant life in peace and harmony.

  [243 words]

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