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来源:考研教育网 更新:2007/1/16 字体:



  Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should describe the picture, interpret its implied meaning,and give your own comment.

Longing for Peace

  Longing for Peace

  As is clearly seen in the picture:a dove,from one's hands,is ready to fly high into the sky. Anyone who looks at this sight may imagine a peaceful world where peoples,regardless of nationality,race,color or religion,will live in peace and harmony,for dove is universally acknowledged as the symbol of peace.(www.med126.com)

  However,today's world is at risk of war and conflicts,and it is in urgent need of peace. In many parts of the world,peace is still an illusion. The fights and conflicts between nations are a commonplace case in point. The global TV media are flooded every day with news of deaths and injuries in some areas. Repeated attempts have been made to restore peace and order,but most of them turn out to be fruitless. A recent one entitled“Road Map”is well proposed but not well in progress,which is,therefore,doomed to the impediment to the peace progress.

  In view of the turbulent past,all nations should reconsider the sources of conflicts and take effective actions to curb them. Above all,all governments should learn to resolve their disputes in a peaceful way. Under all circumstances,dialogues should prevail,for this practice can only result in the virtual circle of advance. Moreover,international community should make concerted efforts to help two parities resolve their problems instead of taking“wait and see”attitude. If everybody contributes to the peace cause,our world will become a better place to live in.

考研网校名师 索玉柱

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