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来源:本站原创 更新:2013/1/7 字体:

Section III Translation
46. Directions: Translate the following text from English to Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET2. (15 points)
I can pick a date from the past 53 years and know instantly where I was, what happened in the news and even the day of the week, I’ve been able to do this, since I was 4.
I never feel overwhelmed with the amount of information my brain absorbs. My mind seems to be able to cope and the information is stored away neatly. When I think of a sad memory, I do what everybody does – try to put it to one side. I don’t think it’s harder for me just because my memory is clearer. Powerful memory doesn’t make my emotions any more acute or vivid. I can recall the day my grandfather died and the sadness I felt when we went to the hospital the day before. I also remember that the musical Hair opened on Broadway on the same day – they both just pop into my mind in the same way.
Section IV Writing
47 Writing
Suppose your class is to hold a charity sale for kids in need of help. Write your classmates an email to
1) inform them about the details and
2) encourage them to participate 100 words use Li Ming. Don’t write your address.(10 points)
Dear Classmates,
I am writing to noti.fy you of a charity sale our class will oganize. The detailed arrangements are as follows.
This event will be held in the playground of our university on May 10, 2013, and it will start at 7 and end at 10 o’clock in the evening. At the opening ceremony, our Monitor will make clear that the purpose of the sale is to help children who have dropped out of shool because their family cannot afford their tuitioin.Then is the time for donating activity.
Giving your love is a virtue, so I really appeal to all the students to take part in this event and I will be grateful i.f you come and give your donation.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
Directions: 一场慈善义卖将会举行以帮助那些需要帮助的儿童,要求告诉学生活动细节并希望所有学生都可以参加。所以,信中必须包括以下内容:说明此次慈善义卖的详细安排;期待同学们的参加。虽然考研历史上尚未考过邀请加倡议的书信,但此封信并不难写,2012年跨考老师讲授英语点睛班详细讲解了各类书信的写作步骤及注意事项,并提供了模版范文章与常用句子。而且跨考所出版的2013命题人书系《考前8天作文大预测》的第36页提供了邀请信的范文医.学 全在.线提供www.med126.com,该书73页还提供了万能模板及经典句型,几乎均可使用。跨考举行的模拟考试中也考过邀请信。考生如果认真准备过,到上考场前应该已经对邀请信进行过不下三次的练习。值得注意的是,今年的邀请信应结合题目要求,在写作中加入倡议学生积极参加献出爱心这一信息点。但是,这一点对考生来说应该不会构成障碍。
需要注意的是,本题是公务信函,文中不应使用缩写、省略句或口语表达。称呼可使用“Dear Classmates,”,首段可直接点明目的(通知一个慈善义卖将要举行),次段需要给出该义卖的详细安排;尾段须表示期待学生能够积极参加。落款需要特别注意,过去三年英语二应用文的落款一直是“Zhang Wei”,但是今年小作文落款要求是“Li Ming”,所以一定不能写“Zhang Wei”。否则会被扣分或作为作弊卷。
Part B (15 points)
48 Write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you should
(1) interpret the chart, and
(2) give your comments
The Change in College Students’ Thinking Patterns
As is illustrated by the figure in the chart, the number of college students doing part-time jobs has been on rise steadily from 66.77% to 88.24 during the four university li.fe. From the change in the chart, it goes without saying that more and more college students choose to engage in outside programs recently.
Considering these changes, we can find several main reasons. Firstly, with grown-up of the students, most parents tend to support their children to going out to do some social practice. What is more important, the fast changing society has raised higher requirements for college graduates. The authorities of Chinese university or college have been encouraging their students to do part-time jobs in the hope that college students would broaden their view to know more about the society and become more adaptable to the future work after they graduate. Therefore, more students go out traveling or doing social practices during the vacations.
As a college student, I think the chart reflects the exciting progress on the college students’ thinking patterns from freshman to senior. We have become much mature to realize how to spend our spare time meaningfully and practically. From the changes in the charts, it is easy for us to predict that more and more college students will walk out their home and throw themselves into more various vacation activities.
2013年的图表作文,考察柱状图的写作。英语二试卷自2010年诞生,连续考察了2年柱状图,2012年考察了表格作文的写作,和我们预期的一样,今年不是延续考察表格就是柱状图。话题方面,2010年考察手机用户的数量增长,2011年考察汽车品牌的是市场份额,2012年考察公司员工满意度调查。 2013年的话题,由市场和职场领域,转向了校园生活。但是触及了学生从大一到大四对思维的转变,越来越多的学生注重社会实践。 同学们写作中注意:首先是一定要有结论:例:it goes without saying that more and more college students choose to engage in outside programs recently. 然后就是注意:文章的结构和句子应该多使用备考过程中准备好的,不要求新易出错。



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