英文题名 | Important Position of Acup-Moxibustion Science in The Yellow Emperor's
Internal Classic
个人著者 | 王悦; 孟庆刚; 孔庆爱; 杨宝琴
团体著者 | |
第一著者单位 | 北京中医药大学东方医院 100075
第一著者地址 | 北京
出处 | 中国针灸.-2001,21(2) 113-115
中文文摘 | 《黄帝内经》由《素问》和《灵枢》两部分组成,是中医学的经典著作,其中有许多
英文文摘 | The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic is constituted by both Plain Questions and Miraculous Pivot, and it is classical works of traditional Chinese medicine. There are a lot of champter and words in the Internal Classic introducing theories of acupuncture and moxibustion, especially. The Miraculous Pivot records mostly contents about acupuncture and moxibustion, so it was called as "Acupuncture Classic" in ancient times. Therefore, the present paper discusses briefly the role of acup-moxibustion science in The Internal Classic.
文献类型 | |
语种 | 中文
主题词 | 《内经》; 针灸学/历史
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医学史 | 医学史,战国 (475-221 B.C.); 历史文献
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分类号 | R2; R245
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中药药理作用 | |
西药药理作用 |