英文题名 | My Opinion on the Academic Significance and Value of Meridian Doctrine from the Formation Process of the Concept of "Jueyin Meridian"
个人著者 | 黄龙祥
团体著者 | |
第一著者单位 | 北京 中国中医研究院针灸研究所 100700
第一著者地址 | 北京
出处 | 针刺研究.-2003,28(4) 280-287
中文文摘 | 本文通过系统分析揭示:足厥阴脉“是动”病描述的是阴疝的症状,古人从阴疝发病部位特点及对该病的针灸诊疗经验中抽提出“足背-前阴-少腹-腰(舌)之间相关联系”的规律,而所谓“足厥阴脉”则是古人对这一规律的直觉解释。这一新发现为考察经络学说的形成过程提供了关键证据,引导人们正确分析经络学说的构成要素并进而正确理解该学说的意义与价值。
英文文摘 | In the present paper, the author systematically investigates the formation process of "Foot-Jueyin Meridian" from the ancient literature and puts forward his viewpoint on the scientific value of meridian-collateral theory, that is, the true connotations of this theory lie in the meridian-bound empirical evidence and the deduced basic regularities of mutual connections among different parts of the body surface and interrelation between the body surface and the corresponding internal organs, rather than those simple twelve meridian lines. Abundant data show that "Shidong Bing" of the Foot-JueyinMeridian is referred to symptoms and signs of scrotal hernia. In accordance with the characters of the affected locaton of scrotal hernia and the related experience of diagnosis and treatment in acu-moxibustion clinic, the Chinese ancient medical experts summed up a set of connection regularities of Foot-Jueyin Meridian that starts from the dorsum of foot and goes up to the anteropudendal region, the lower abdomen, and to the waist region (or tongue), etc.. The so-called "Foot-Jueyin Meridian" is the ancient
文献类型 | 历史文献(PT);中文摘要;英文摘要
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主题词 | 肝经;经络学说;疝,腹/历史;中国;《内经》
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医学史 | 医学史,战国 (475-221 B.C.);医学史,秦朝(221-207 B.C);医学史,汉朝(206 B.C -220 A.D);医学史,古代 (公元500年以前)
资助类别 | “九·五”攀登预选项目资助课题 (No.95-预-4-42)
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关键词 | 厥阴脉;经络学说
分类号 | R224; R656.2; R2
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