5. 中国国情使中国考生遭遇了很多问题,下面的问题是专门针对国内护士的。其实,我相信CGFNS机构也遇到了同样的麻烦和问题,因此在它的官方网站上就中国考试中心专门列出了一个常见问题回答,有兴趣的考生可以浏览参考。
1) 高中毕业证书我祝贺没有高中毕业证书的中国护士获得了考试资格,CGFNS在以前还不了解中国护理教育制度模式,现在是“门清”了。因此就这个问题有了明确答复。
If an applicant s nursing education and secondary school education were not separate but were combined, the nurse/applicant is not eligible for the Qualifying Exam and will not be approved to sit for the exam unless the nurse is able to demonstrate one of two things: 1) that the nurse has subsequently completed a full secondary education separate from the nursing education; or 2) that he or she has passed an examination certifying that he or she has completed the equivalent of a secondary school education. (In the United States, this test is known as the General Educational Development test, or GED. A person who passes the GED test receives a GED Certificate demonstrating that he or she has attained the equivalent of a secondary school education.)
如果申请者的护理和高中毕业教育不是独立而是混合教育,没有资格申请考试,除非该申请者能够提供下列两种文件之一:1) 和护理教育绝对独立的高中毕业证书。2) 或者通过和高中毕业课程等同的考试(也就是在美国众所周知的GED)
If an applicant s nursing education and secondary school education were not separate but were combined, and if the nurse/applicant is unable to demonstrate one of the two requirements listed above, the applicant will not be approved to sit for the Qualifying Exam.如果申请者的护理教育和高中教育不是独立的,而且无法提供上述资料,将不能获准CGFNS考试。