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  1 I am not certain hether he ill come.
  A sure
  B determined
  C sorry
  D glad www.med126.com
  2 she seemed to have detected some anger in his voice.
  A heard
  B noticed
  C realized
  D got
  3 Please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of further assistance.
  A see
  B contact
  C help
  D touch
  4 In short, I am going to live there myself.
  A In other ords
  B That is to say
  C To be frank
  D In a ord
  5 He has trouble understanding that other people judge him by his social skills and conduct.
  A behavior
  B style
  C mode
  D attitude
  6 I had some difficulty in carrying out the plan.
  A making
  B keeping
  C implementing
  D changing
  7 Mr. Johnson evidently regarded this as a great joke.
  A readily
  B casually
  C simply
  D obviously
  8 e all think that Mary's husband is a very boring person.
  A shy
  B stupid
  C selfish
  D dull
  9 The orkers in that factory manufacture furniture.
  A promote
  B paint
  C polish
  D produce
  10 they only have a limited amount of time to get their points across.
  A large
  B total
  C similar
  D small
  11 The high-speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences.
  A influence
  B force
  C surprise
  D poer
  12 can you follo the plot?
  A change
  B investigate
  C understand 医,学.全,在.线www.med126.com
  D rite
  13 Even in a highly modernized country, Manual ork is a still needed.
  A mental
  B physical
  C natural
  D hard
  14 In the latter case the outcome can be serious indeed.
  A judgement
  B result
  C decision
  D event
  15 Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions.
  A beliefs
  B statements
  C suggestions
  D claims


  The physicians in a hospital form the core of the medical staff. But they could not provide effective medical care to their patients ithout the help of numerous other medical orkers. From the angle of the patients, the nursing staff is particularly important. Nurses are usually in close contact ith patients as long as they are in the hospital.
  A nurse does not study for as many years as a doctor. Hoever, each must be equally trained. Caring for sick persons requires a great deal of patience and concern. Most nurses ork long days, and they often must ork at odd hours or during the night.
  The nursing staff in a hospital is usually quite large and various. Nursing services, after all, must be provided on a 24-hour basis. There are professional (专业的) nurses, practical nurses, nurse's aids, and orderlies (勤杂工). The general term nurse refers to a person trained to offer bedside care to sick persons.
  Under the supervision (管理) of the head nurse, the nursing staff in a hospital ard must attend to patients' needs. This responsibility continues around the clock, and so nurses must ork in shifts. A shift is a period of duty, usually eight hours in length. The nurses on the ard rotate (轮换) their shifts. Some take turns orking night duty; others ork odd shifts. All of them ork out of a central area on the ard called the nurse's station.
  A nurse must alays be on her guard. She can never afford to be careless. This is true in all nursing situations, but it is especially true in the intensive care unit. Patients under intensive care are critically ill, and they must be monitored at all times. The nurses ho do intensive care duty have one of the most demanding jobs in the hospital.
  1 The physicians in a hospital are less important than the nursing staff.
  A Right B rong C Not mentioned www.med126.com
  2 The nurses in a hospital usually spend more time ith the patients than the physicians.
  A Right B rong C Not mentioned
  3 A nurse is not qualified if she does not have patience and sho concern for her patients.
  A Right B rong C Not mentioned
  4 Nurses often earn as much money as physicians do because they tend to ork long days and at odd hours.
  A Right B rong C Not mentioned
  5 Nursing services in a hospital are generally available around the clock.
  A Right B rong C Not mentioned
  6 The nurse's station is the only place here nurses in a hospital ard can be fount.
  A Right B rong C Not mentioned
  7 Nurses ho ork in the intensive care unit in a hospital are better trained than other nurses.
  A Right B rong C Not mentioned


  Health Education
  1 Health education is the part of health care that is concerned ith promoting healthy behavior. A person's behavior may be the main cause of a health problem, but it can also be the main solution. This is true for the teenager ho smokes, the mother ith the poorly nourished (营养) child, and the butcher (屠夫,卖肉的人) ho gets a cut on his finger. By changing their behavior these individuals can solve and prevent many of their on problems.
  2 Health education does not replace other health services, but it is needed to promote the proper use of these services. One example of this is immunization (免疫): scientists have made many vaccines (疫苗) to prevent diseases, but this achievement is of no value unless people go to receive the immunization.
  3 Health education encourages behavior that promotes health, prevents illness, cures disease, and contributes to recovery. The needs and interests of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities are at the heart of health education programs. Thus there are many opportunities for practicing health education.
  4 Health education is not the same thing as health information. Correct information is certainly a basic part of health education, but health education must also address the other factors that affect health behavior such as availability (可获性) of resources, effectiveness of community leadership, social support from family members, and levels of self-help skills. Health education therefore uses a variety of methods to help people understand their on situations and choose actions that ill improve their health. Health education is incomplete unless it encourages involvement and choice by the people themselves.
  5 Also, in health education e do not blame people if they do not behave in a healthy ay. Often unhealthy behavior is not the fault of the individual. In health education e must ork ith families, communities, and even regional and national authorities to make sure that resources and support are available to enable each individual to lead a healthy life. www.med126.com
  1 Paragraph 2_______________.
  2 Paragraph 3_______________.
  3 Paragraph 4_______________.
  4 Paragraph 5_______________.
  A Addressing a Variety of Behavior-affecting Factors
  B Importance of Immunization
  C Relationship ith Other Health Services
  D Creation of Necessary Conditions for Healthy Behavior
  E Encouraging Unhealthy Behavior
  F Encouragement of Behavior Good for Your Health
  5 Promoting healthy behavior is the goal of_______________.
  6 Immunization helps to_______________.
  7 Health education cannot take the place of_______________.
  8 Individuals should be provided ith necessary conditions for_______________.
  A many vaccines
  B prevent diseases
  C health education
  D healthy behavior医 学全,在线.搜集.整理www.med126.com
  E change unhealthy behavior
  F other health services


  Natural Medicines
  Since earliest days, humans have used some kinds of medicines. e kno this because humans have survived. Ancient treatments for injury and disease ere successful enough to keep humans from dying out completely.
  They ere successful long before the time of modern medicine. Before the time of doctors ith hite coats and shiny (发亮的) instruments. Before the time of big hospitals ith strange and onderful equipment.
  Many parts of the orld still do not have university-educated doctors. Nor do they have expensive hospitals. Yet injuries are treated. And diseases are often cured. Ho? By ancient methods. By medicines that might seem mysterious, even magical (有魔力的). Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical, hoever.
  Through the centuries, tribal (部落的) medicine men experimented ith plants. They found many useful chemicals in the plants. And scientists believe many of these traditional medicines may provide the cure for some of today's most serious diseases.
  Experts say almost 80% of the people in the orld use plants for health care. These natural medicines are used not just because people have no other form of treatment. They are used because people trust them. In developed areas, fe people think about the source of the medicines they buy in a store. Yet many idely-used medicines are from ancient sources, especially plants. Some experts say more than 25% of modern medicines come, in one ay or another, from nature.
  Scientists have long knon that nature is really a chemical factory. All living things contain chemicals that help them survive. So scientists' interest in traditional medicine is not ne. But it has become an urgent concern. This is because the earth's supply of natural medicines may be dropping rapidly.
  1 The passage indicates that ancient treatments for injury and disease ere
  A much more successful than modem ones.
  B successful enough for humans to survive.
  C successful in all cases. www.med126.com
  D of little help to humans.
  2 hich of the folloing statements is NOT true?
  A Modern medicines are no available all over the orld.
  B Many big and modem hospitals are expensive.
  C Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical.
  D Humans have used some kinds of medicines since earliest days.
  3 It is believed by scientists that traditional medicines
  A can cure all kinds of diseases.
  B may cure some of today's most serious diseases
  C are no longer useful for modem men.
  D are too cheap to be useful.
  4 hat do the majority of the people in the orld use for health care?
  A Strange and onderful equipment.
  B Factory-produced chemicals.
  C Modern medicines.
  D Plants.
  5 It can be seen from the passage that the earth's supply of natural medicines
  A may never be exhausted.
  B may be dropping rapidly.
  C is surprisingly big.医 学全,在线.搜集.整理www.med126.com
  D is as rich as ever.


  Memory Class
  Stan Field knos hat age can do to a person's memory, and he's not taking any chances ith his. He chooses his food carefully and gets plenty of exercise. He also avoids stress, coca cola and cigarette smoke. hat's more, at breakfast each morning, the 69-year-old chemical engineer sallos a plateful of pills in the hope of boosting his brain poer.
  Michelle Arnove is less than half Field's age, but no less concerned about her
  memory. hile orking round the clock to finish a degree in film studies, the 33-year-old Ne Yorker had the alarming sensation that she had stopped retaining anything. "I couldn't even remember names," she says. "1 thought, 'Oh no, I'm over 30. It's all donhill from here'." Besides loading up on supplements, Arnove signed up for a memory-enhancing course at Ne York's Mount Siani Medical Center. And hen she got there, she found herself surrounded by people ho ere just as orried as she as.
  For millions of Americans, and especially for baby boomers (生育高峰期出生的人), the demands of the Information Age conflict ith a sense of declining physical poer. "hen boomers ere in their 30s and 40s, they launched the fitness boom," says Cynthia Green, the psychologist ho teaches Mount Sinai's memory class. "No e have the mental-fitness boom. Memory is the boomers' ne life-crisis issue." And of course a major marketing opportunity. The demand for books and seminars has never been greater, says Jack Lannom, a Iongtime memory trainer hose eekly TV sho,医,学.全,在.线www.med126.com
  "Mind Unlimited," goes out to 33 million homes on the Christian Netork. Anxious consumers are rushing to buy do-it-yourself programs and supplement makers are trying to sell everything but sadust (木屑) as a brain booster.
  But before you get out your checkbook, a fe questions are in order. Does everyday forgetfulness signal declining brain function? Is "megamemory" (超强记忆) a realistic goal for normal people? And if you could have a perfect memory, ould you really ant it? Until recently, no one could address those issues ith much authority, but our knoledge of memory is exploding. Ne techniques are revealing ho different parts of the brain interact to preserve meaningful experiences. Biologists are trying to understand the underlying (潜在的) chemical processes and neuroscientists (神经系统科学家) are discovering ho age, stress ,and other factors can disrupt them. No one is close to finding the secret to perfect recall, but as you'll see, that may be just as ell.
  6 hat does Stan Field take at breakfast?
  A Food only.
  B Food and pills.
  C Nothing.
  D A plateful of pills only.
  7 hat is the meaning of "orking round the clock"?
  A Repairing clocks.
  B Making clocks.
  C orking ith a clock nearby.
  D orking day and night.
  8 Many baby-boomers living in the Information Age feel that
  A their financial status is declining.
  B their political influence is declining.
  C their physical poer is declining.
  D their ill poer is declining.
  9 hich of the folloing does NOT indicate people's enhanced aareness of the importance of memory?
  A More demand for books on memory.
  B More demand for seminars on memory.
  C More demand for memory-enhancing supplements.
  D More demand for coca cola and cigarettes.
  10 According to the riter, the secret to perfect memory
  A has been found.医,学.全,在.线www.med126.com
  B ill never be found.
  C as found a long time ago.
  D is not in sight yet.


  My mother kne ho to knit (编织), but she never taught me. She assumed, as did many omen of her generation, that knitting as no longer a skill orth passing don from mother to daughter. A combination of feminism (女权主义) and consumerism (消费主义) made many omen feel that such homely accomplishments ere no out of date. My Grandmother still knitted, though, and every Christmas she made a pair of socks for my brother and me, of red ool. They ere the ones e ore under our ice skates (冰鞋), hen it as really important to have arm feet.
  Knitting is a nervous habit that happens to be productive. It helped me quit smoking by giving my hands something else to do. It is onderful for depression because no matter hat else happens, you are creating something beautiful. Time spent in front of the television or just sitting is no longer time asted.
  I love breathing life into the patterns. It's true magic, finding a neglected, dog-eared old book ith the perfect snoflake design, buying the same Germanton ool my grandmother used, in the exact blue to match my daughter's eyes; taking it on the train ith me every day for to months, orking enthusiastically to get it done by Christmas, staying up late after the stockings are filled to se in the sleeves and eave in the ends.
  Knitting has taught me patience. I kno that if I just keep going, even if it takes months, there ill be a reard. hen I make a mistake, I kno that anger ill not fix it, that I just have to go back and take out the stitches (针脚) beteen and start over again.医,学,全,在,线,提,供www.med126.com
  People often ask if I ould do it for money, and the anser is alays a definite no. In the first place, you could not pay me enough for the hours I put into a seater. But more important, this is an activity I keep separate from such considerations. I knit to cover my children and other people I love in armth and color. I knit to give them something earthly that money could never buy.
  Knitting gives my life an alternative rhythm to the daily deadline. By day I can rite about Northern Ireland or the Ne York City Police Department and get paid for it, but on the train home, surrounded by people ith laptops, I stage my little rebellion: I take out my old knitting bag and join the centuries of omen ho have knitted for love.
  11 hy did many omen feel that knitting as out of date?
  A Because their mothers didn't teach them.
  B Because they ere influenced by feminism and consumerism
  C Because they ere feminists.
  D Because they ere consumerists.
  12 The author ore the red socks her grandmother had knitted for her
  A hen she ent to school.
  B hen she ent sightseeing.
  C hen she celebrated Christmas.
  D hen she ent skating.
  13 The ord "quit" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
  A "give up".
  B "speed up".
  C "slo don".
  D "build up".
  14 According to the passage, hich of the folloing statements about knitting is NOT true?
  A Knitting helps one get rid of bad habits.
  B Knitting helps one get free from a bad mood.
  C Knitting requires patience.
  D Knitting is a profit-making business.
  15 hich of the folloing is NOT the riter's purpose of knitting?
  A To save money.医学.全在.,线提,供www.med126.com
  B To make full use of her leisure time.
  C To enrich her life.
  D To sho her love for the family.


  Broken: Dreams of Rural Peace
  It as dusk in Tubney oods, deep in rural Oxfordshire. The birds ere singing at the end of another perfect day. The oman living at the edge of the forest could stand it no longer. She phoned the local noise pollution officer.
  "It's the rooks (秃鼻乌鸦)," she said. "1 can't bear that aful caing (呱呱地叫) noise. Can you do something about it?"
  The call as no surprise to officials at the Vale of hite Horse District Council._______________(1) The countryside, as every country-deller knos, can be a hellishly (可怕地) noisy place.
  Last eek Davicl Stead, a est Yorkshire farmer, appeared in court in akefield accused of alloing his cocks to break noise regulations by croing (打鸣) at dan, aking a neighbour._______________(2) Six months ago Corky, a four-year-old cock, as banned from croing after complaints in the Devon village of Stoke.
  Complaints about noise reasonable or not - are at record levels in country areas. Environmental health officers say this is partly because of an increase in noisy activity. Hoever, a significant number of complaints come from necomers to the countryside.
  There are many sources of rural noise._______________(3) Mechanised grain driers, usually sitched on for three eeks in September, can produce a maddening lo-frequency hum. Mike Roberts, chief environmental health officer at Vale of hite Horse, said noise often sounded orse in the countryside than in cities. ith less background sound, unelcome noises can seem louder and travel further.
  The oddest complaints, hoever, are the ones council officials can do nothing about. Vale of hite Horse officials have been asked to silence not only nesting rooks. Pigeons and pheasants (鸡) have also caused concern, In Kent, council officials have been asked to silence baby lambs._______________(4) Another insisted he could hear an alien spaceship landing over the garden fence.
  "e get regular complaints. They usually come from retired people ho have just moved into the country. e send them a polite letter."医,学.全,在.线www.med126.com
  And the lady ho complained about the rooks? She as politely told she ould have to put up ith it. " (5)" said Mr Roberts. "In the end, she accepted there as nothing much she could do - except move out." It is not recorded ho on, the lady or the rooks.
  A Mr Stead said they ere only doing hat comes naturally.
  B e asked her hat e ere supposed to do, shoot the birds, or chop the trees don?
  C They have heard every kind of complaint.
  D One man rang to say he as kept aake by the splashing of a fountain in the garden next door.


  Margaret Sanger and Birth Control
  Margaret Sanger, an American nurse, as the first to start the modern birth control movement in the United States. In 1912 she (1) publishing information about omen's reproductive (生殖的) concerns through articles and books. In 1914 Sanger as charged (2) violation of, the Comstock La, hich federal legislation had passed in 1873 forbidding the mailing of sexy material (3) information about birth control and contraceptive (避孕的) devices. Though she as put in jail for these activities, Sanger (4) to publish and spread information about birth control. She and her sister Ethel Byrne opened the first of several birth control clinics in America on October 16, 1916, in Brooklyn, Ne York.
  The Comstock La as reritten by Congress in 1936 to (5) birth control information and devices. Many states had las forbidding distribution or use of contraceptive devices but the constitutionality (合宪性) of these las as increasingly (6). In 1965, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that married people have the right to practice birth control ithout government intervention. In 1972, the court (7) that unmarried people have the same right.
  Today there are more birth control options (8), but overpopulation and unanted pregnancies remain orldide (9). Having more children than one can support may lead (10) poverty, illness, and high death rates for babies, children, and omen.医学.全在.,线提,供www.med126.com
  The problem of teenage pregnancy is (11) orse in the United States (12) in almost any other developed country. Studies sho that birth rates for omen under 20 are higher in the United States than in 29 other (13) countries. A detailed study suggested that the problem of teenage pregnancy in the United States may be (14) to less sex education in schools and loer availability (可获性) of contraceptive services and supplies to young people. This study (15) the vie of people in the United States ho argue that sex education or making contraceptive supplies available to school-age children promotes sexual activity.
  1 A offered B refused C began D took
  2 A ith B of C for D to
  3 A denying B including C linking D understanding
  4 A stopped B started C kept D continued
  5 A include B spread C forbid D exclude
  6 A questioned B accepted C confirmed D favored
  7 A permitted B knew C held D suspected
  8 A than never before B than before ever
  C than ever before D than before never
  9 A problems B beliefs C gossips D doubts
  10 A on B at C to D by
  11 A more B adequately C enough D considerably
  12 A as B than C for D over医,,学全在.线提.供www.med126.com
  13 A developed B developing C poor D acceptable
  14 A concerned B popular C loyal D related
  15 A regards B suggests C counters D supports


  01. A02. B03. B04. D05. A
  06. C07. D08. D09. D10. D
  11. A12. C13. B14. B15. A
  16. B  17. A  18. A  19. C  20. A
  21. B  22. C
  23. C  24. F  25. A  26. D  27. C
  28. B  29. F  30. D
  31. B  32. A  33. B  34. D  35. B
  36. B 37. D 38. C 39. D  40. D
  41. B  42. D  43. A  44. D  45.A
  46. C  47. A  48. F  49. D  50. B
  51. C  52. A  53. B  54. D  55. D
  56. A  57. C  58. C  59. A  60. C
  61. D  62. B  63. A  64. D  65. C




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