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Cell motility and the cytoskeleton (刊名已更改)
if:Cell motility and the cytoskeleton (刊名已更改) 更新:2015/1/5 字体:

Cell motility and the cytoskeleton (刊名已更改)
I S S N: 0886-1544
出 版 社: Wiley-Liss
出 版 地: Hoboken, N.J
出版国家: United States
刊  期: 周刊
创刊时间: 1986
语  种: 英文
投稿命中率: 容易
国外数据库收录: IM
5年影响因子: 3.197
研究领域: 细胞运动、细胞骨架
官方链接: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(IS...
投稿须知: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(IS...



新刊名:Cytoskeleton (Hoboken, N.J.)

Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton is an international journal published twelve times a year specializing in the rapid publication of articles concerning all phenomena related to cell motility including structural biochemical biophysical and theoretical approaches. In addition to extended reports of original research the journal will also publish invited review articles mini-reviews views and reviews brief rapid communications and book and film reviews. Topics of interest will include molecular architecture; supramolecular structure; cell shape; interactions of motile systems (e.g. tubulin- and actin-based systems); interactions of cytoskeletal proteins; non-motile roles of motile or cytoskeletal proteins; biochemical biophysical and molecular aspects of cytoskeletal proteins and related controlor binding-proteins; genetics and molecular biological approaches to the study of motility and/or the cytoskeleton; the pathology of motile behavior and the cytoskeleton; nuclear-cytoplasmic transport and interchange; membrane structure and receptor transport; action of drugs on motility and the cytoskeleton; prokaryotic flagellar motility; prokaryotic gliding motility; changes in organelle shape (axostyles costae); microtubule gliding and particle transport; axonal transport; reticulopodial movement in foraminifera radiolaria; targeted intracellular particle transport; actin-based particle transport; bulk cytoplasmic streaming (in protists plant animal and fungal cells); amoeboid motility; movement of tissue cells in vitro or in vivo; endo- and exocytosis; spreading of platelets tissue cells; morphogenetic movements; the role of motile and cytoskeletal proteins in development; the nuclear matrix; intranuclear movements; mitotic movements (e.g. kinetochore centrosomes and particles); cytokinesis; muscular contraction; cytoplasmic contractility; spasmoneme and myoneme contraction; eukaryotic flagellar and ciliary movement; the centriole centrosome and flagellar rootlet derivatives. Original research articles should report complete findings and include only as much introductory review and bibliographic material as is necessary to explain the research and its relevance to the literature. Authors wishing to contribute review articles mini-reviews rapid communications or book and film reviews should contact the Editor-in-Chief or the Associate Editor for views and reviews. Mini-reviews should not contain an exhaustive review of an area but rather a focused brief treatment of a contemporary development or issue in a single area. All contributions to these categories will be prioritized for acceptance by Editorial Board review.

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