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Russian journal of cardiology
if:0.067 更新:2015/1/5 字体:

Russian journal of cardiology
影响因子: 0.067
I S S N: 1560-4071
出 版 社: Moskva : Vserossi?skoe nauchnoe obshchestvo kardiologov
出 版 地: Russia
出版国家: Russia (Federation)
刊  期: 半月刊
创刊时间: 1996
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 平均1月
投稿命中率: 75%
国外数据库收录: IM
5年影响因子: 0.048
研究领域: 心脏和心血管系统
官方链接: http://roscardio.ru/en/russian-journal-of-cardiolo...
投稿须知: http://roscardio.ru/en/russian-journal-of-cardiolo...


Russian Journal of Cardiology is currently issued since 1996. The language of this publication is Russian, with contents and abstracts of all the articles presented in English. The most important articles of the issue are translated in full.
Editor-in-Chief: Academician of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Prof. Eugene V.Shlyakhto, President of Russian Society of Cardiology (RSC).
The aim of the journal is both scientific and practical, also with referring to organizing matters of the RSC. The best of all cardiological research in Russia is submitted to Journal. Moreover, it contains useful tips and clinical examples for practicing cardiologists. Journal is peer-reviewed, with multistage editing. Editorial board is presented by the leading cardiologists from different cities of Russia.
Journal is recommended by The Russian Highest Certifying Commission for publication of the results of Thesis for Philosophy's and Doctor's degree. It is included into Scientific Electronic Library (http://www.elibrary.ru), Russian Index of Scientific Citation, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®); Journal Citation Reports/ Science Edition.
It is authorized by RSC for publication of Russian and ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular disease diagnosis and therapy.
ISSN 1560-4071, circulation - 7.000 copies, periodicity - 6 issues per year. It is published by "Silicea-Poligraf", http://www.roscardio.ru (please email cardio.nauka@yandex.ru for more information).
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