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Douleur et analgesie
if:0.092 更新:2015/1/5 字体:

Douleur et analgesie
影响因子: 0.092
I S S N: 1011-288X
出 版 社:
出 版 地: French
出版国家: French
刊  期: 季刊
创刊时间: 1988
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: >12周,或约稿
中科院分区: 4
投稿命中率: 容易
国外数据库收录: IM
5年影响因子: 0.096
研究领域: 麻醉
官方链接: http://mhsrvweb.medhyg.ch/revues/r_premiere.php4?r...


Pain and Analgesia, the first French international journal devoted to pain, was created in 1988. By the scientific quality and independence of its publications, the quarterly received immediately well received by researchers and clinicians specializing in the field . On the occasion of the recovery of the journal in 2006 by Springer Publishing , the editorial board wanted to be more open to the Francophonie , including North American, in order to share knowledge and enhance the scientific value of the magazine. This has resulted in editorial boards and scientific bigger, better representative of the bio-psycho- social complexity of pain. Their expertise covers the fields of basic research than in clinical in terms of the assessment of the pain of his treatment. Each issue contains original articles, review articles , general journals, meeting abstracts . The magazine is aimed at all those specialized or not, who wish to improve and update their training and pass on their knowledge . It thus meets the needs of a growing number of health professionals ( neurologists , anesthesiologists, dentists, neurosurgeons , psychologists ... ) directly involved in the fight against pain or in the wider field of supportive care 

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