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New genetics and society
if:0.796 更新:2015/1/13 字体:

New genetics and society
影响因子: 0.796
I S S N: 1463-6778
出 版 社: Taylor and Francis Group
出 版 地: Basingstoke
出版国家: England
刊  期: 不规则
创刊时间: 1999
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: >12周,或约稿
中科院分区: 4
投稿命中率: 容易
国外数据库收录: IM
5年影响因子: 1.248
研究领域: 遗传学
官方链接: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/cngs20#.UzDjR7JKKTU
投稿须知: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/cngs20#.UzDjR7JKKTU


The new genetics, including genetic engineering, and the mapping and sequencing of the human genome as well as other species, is a new technology unlike any other in the direct and deeply personal effects it has on everyone. It also grows and develops in a complex political, economic and organisational milieu, involving key social institutions, in the context of late modern society characterised by reflexivity and globalisation. While it can be thought to pose a threat to the boundaries which conventionally define selfhood and distinguish humans from other animals, it also opens the way to new approaches to health, medicine, family life, industry, commerce, and the law. It may generate potentially novel risks and dangers, with possibly unforseen, and often unknowable or irreversible outcomes, while it questions accepted understandings of culture and society. The new genetic technologies are rapidly developing as the key to understanding social change in the next millennium. New Genetics and Society provides an international platform for the informed discussion of key issues raised by the exploitation of the new genetics into the next millennium. It will publish leading-edge, social science research alongside theoretical and methodological contributions to the development of this multidisciplinary field. All contributions will be rigorously refereed through an international editorial board. Short reports, comments and book reviews are also welcome. EXAMPLES OF TOPICS Cloning, xeno-technology and eugenics Clinical integration of genetic technologies including genetic testing/counselling Risks, threats and hazards Public participation in decision-making, citizens' juries, consensus conferences, science courts Genetic literacy and the public understanding of the new genetics New Genetics and Society is an essential resource for those working in a wide range of disciplines including the social sciences, health, medicine and the law. In particular it will provide an outlet for contemporary theoretical and empirical research from anthropology, applied economics, cultural studies, gender studies, history, law, medicine, nursing, politics, psychology, social policy and sociology.
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