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Danish medical bulletin
if:0.923 更新:2015/1/15 字体:

Danish medical bulletin
影响因子: 0.923
I S S N: 0907-8916 (印刷版) 1603-9629 (电子版) 0907-8916 (ISSNLinking)
出 版 社: Danish Medical Association
出 版 地: Copenhagen
出版国家: Denmark
刊  期: 季刊
创刊时间: 1954
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 12周,或约稿
中科院分区: 4
投稿命中率: 容易
国外数据库收录: IM
5年影响因子: 1.085
研究领域: 医学
官方链接: http://www.danmedbul.dk/index.html
投稿须知: http://www.danmedbul.dk/index.html


Names are emotive and changing them is traumatic, not least because of the disruption that follows in the wake of such change. However, time has now come to change the name of the Danish Medical Bulletin (DMB). The DMB was established in 1954 and has been published without interruption ever since, though at variable intervals which have increased to one month over the past couple of years. The DMB was known for some decades notably for its publication of Danish DMSc theses, but the past two years have seen a change in focus owing to our decision to begin publishing original research in English in the DMB instead of in the Danish Ugeskrift for L?ger [1]. In the near future, this journal will begin publishing original articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, clinical guidelines, protocol articles, PhD theses and DMSc theses (see instructions to authors). Moreover, we will further deepen our focus by also welcoming systematic reviews, meta-analyses and protocol articles. Our current impact factor (2010) has risen to 1.60 – the highest ever. It should also be noticed that our five-year impact factor has gone up to an impressive 2.33, which testifies to the ever more solid standing of the DMB in the scientific world.

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