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Bioscience trends
if:1.284 更新:2015/1/19 字体:

Bioscience trends
影响因子: 1.284
I S S N: 1881-7815
出 版 社: International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
出 版 地: Tokyo
出版国家: Japan
刊  期: 双月刊
创刊时间: 2007
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 12周,或约稿
中科院分区: 3
投稿命中率: 较易
国外数据库收录: IM
中国收录文章数: 50
5年影响因子: 1.284
研究领域: 生物
官方链接: http://www.biosciencetrends.com/wholeissue.php
投稿须知: http://www.biosciencetrends.com/wholeissue.php


BioScience Trends is one of a series of peer-reviewed journals of the International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement (IRCA-BSSA) Group and is published bimonthly by the International Advancement Center for Medicine & Health Research Co., Ltd. (IACMHR Co., Ltd.) and supported by the IRCA-BSSA and Shandong University China-Japan Cooperation Center for Drug Discovery & Screening (SDU-DDSC).

BioScience Trends devotes to publishing the latest and most exciting advances in scientific research. Articles cover fields of life science such as biochemistry, molecular biology, clinical research, public health, medical care system, and social science in order to encourage cooperation and exchange among scientists and clinical researchers.

BioScience Trends publishes Original Articles, Brief Reports, Reviews, Policy Forum articles, Case Reports, News, and Letters on all aspects of the field of life science. All contributions should seek to promote international collaboration.
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