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Aquatic ecology
if:1.378 更新:2015/1/20 字体:

Aquatic ecology
影响因子: 1.378
I S S N: 1386-2588
出 版 社: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
出 版 地: Dordrecht
出版国家: Netherlands
刊  期: 季刊
创刊时间: 1997
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 平均6月
中科院分区: 4
投稿命中率: 约75%
国外数据库收录: IM
5年影响因子: 1.676
研究领域: 生物科学、生态学
官方链接: http://link.springer.com/journal/10452
投稿须知: http://link.springer.com/journal/10452


The international quarterly journal Aquatic Ecology has succeeded the 'Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology'. Aquatic Ecology publishes peer-reviewed original papers relating to the ecology of fresh brackish estuarine and marine environments. Papers on fundamental and applied research in both the field and the laboratory including descriptive or experimental studies will be included in the journal. Preference will be given to studies that address timely and current topics and are integrative and critical in approach. The aim of Aquatic Ecology is to provide a forum for the aquatic ecologist ?both limnologist and oceanologist alike? to address and evaluate ecological issues related to processes and structures at different integration levels (individuals populations communities and ecosystems). Studies that reveal the organisation of lower levels into higher levels and those that concern the intraspecific and interspecific interactions are especially welcome. Food web studies are thus of particular interest. This is also true for the aspects of recent ecophysiological investigations that report: 1). how excreted chemical substances and exudates (kairomones) can act as carriers of information (infochemicals); and 2). how both the flow of this information in the ecosystem and subsequent feed-backs might influence the transfer of matter and energy in the food webs. Furthermore Aquatic Ecology will also accept manuscripts concerning the influence of environmental factors on aquatic ecosystems. The latter factors also include those that cause environmental impacts and modifications and thus have implications for the structure and functioning of individuals populations and communities within ecosystems. Studies may concern the ecological aspects of all kinds of organisms living in marine brackish estuarine or freshwater environments. In addition the studies that consolidate modelling and theoretical aspects from the above topics may also be submitted . Such contributions should be of interest to ecological theory formation in general. In addition to original peer-reviewed papers review papers and proceedings of thematic symposia/workshops are eligible for publication in the journal. Short communications book reviews and critical comments as well as reactions to other papers published in Aquatic Ecology may also be submitted for publication.
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