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The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
if:1.646 更新:2015/1/24 字体:

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
影响因子: 1.646
I S S N: 0001-4966
出 版 社: American Institute of Physics
出 版 地: Melville, NY
出版国家: United States
刊  期: 月刊
创刊时间: 1929
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 约6.0个月
中科院分区: 3
投稿命中率: 容易
国外数据库收录: IM
中国收录文章数: 106
5年影响因子: 1.915
研究领域: 声学
官方链接: http://asadl.org/jasa/


Since 1929 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America has been the leading source of theoretical and experimental research results in the broad interdisciplinary subject of sound. The Journal serves physical scientists, life scientists, engineers, psychologists, physiologists, architects, musicians, and speech communication specialists.

Subject coverage includes: linear and nonlinear acoustics; aeroacoustics, underwater sound and acoustical oceanography; ultrasonics and quantum acoustics; architectural and structural acoustics and vibration; speech, music and noise; psychology and physiology of hearing; engineering acoustics, sound transducers and measurements; bioacoustics, animal bioacoustics and bioresponse to vibration.

All submissions for publication are subject to peer review to determine their suitability for publication.

In addition to contributed papers, the Journal contains news items of interest to acoustical scientists, book reviews, references to contemporary papers in acoustics, reviews of acoustical patents, and news on the development of standards. Periodically the Journal also issues cumulative indexes of published articles.

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