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Aging & mental health
if:1.677 更新:2015/1/24 字体:

Aging & mental health
影响因子: 1.677
I S S N: 1360-7863 (印刷版) 1364-6915 (电子版)
出 版 社: Informa Healthcare
出 版 地: London
出版国家: England
刊  期: 双月刊
创刊时间: 1997
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 偏慢,4-8周
中科院分区: 4
投稿命中率: 较易
国外数据库收录: IM
中国收录文章数: 8
5年影响因子: 1.978
研究领域: 老年、衰老、精神疾病、精神健康、心理健康服务
官方链接: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/camh20
投稿须知: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/camh20


Aging & Mental Health provides a leading forum for the rapidly expanding field which investigates the relationship between the aging process and mental health. The international impact of the journal is well recognized. The journal addresses the mental changes associated with normal and abnormal or pathological aging, as well as the psychological and psychiatric problems of the aging population.
Aging & Mental Health covers the biological, psychological and social aspects of aging as they relate to mental health. In particular it encourages an integrated approach between the various biopsychosocial processes and etiological factors associated with psychological changes in the elderly. It also emphasizes the various strategies, therapies and services which may be directed at improving the mental health of the elderly. In this way the journal has a strong alliance between the theoretical, experimental and applied sciences across a range of issues affecting mental health and aging. 
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