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European journal of internal medicine
if:2.049 更新:2015/1/28 字体:

European journal of internal medicine
影响因子: 2.049
I S S N: 0953-6205 (印刷版) 1879-0828 (电子版) 0953-6205 (ISSNLinking)
出 版 社: Elsevier Science
出 版 地: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
出版国家: Netherlands
刊  期: 双月刊
创刊时间: 1989
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 平均2月
中科院分区: 4
投稿命中率: 容易
国外数据库收录: IM
中国收录文章数: 32
5年影响因子: 1.947
研究领域: 内科
官方链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09536...
投稿须知: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09536...


The European Journal of Internal Medicine is the official journal of the European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM). The journal is devoted to promoting the science and practise of internal medicine in Europe. To this end the journal publishes original scientific articles, editorials, case reports, short communications and other information relevant to internal medicine and related fields. The journal also publishes news and articles concerning the activities and policies of the Federation as well as those of national internal medicine societies. Leading journal for the European internist, covering all aspects of internal medicine, including such new developments as: Vascular Medicine Decision Making Clinical Genetics Medical Technology Assessment Research Grants The EJIM Editorial Office produces a newsletter to help you keep abreast of latest developments on the journal. Please click on the left hand 'EJIM Newsletter' link to access the newsletter online.
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