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Journal of neuroscience methods
if:2.114 更新:2015/1/29 字体:

Journal of neuroscience methods
影响因子: 2.114
I S S N: 0165-0270 (印刷版) 1872-678X (电子版) 0165-0270 (ISSNLinking)
出 版 社: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press
出 版 地: Amsterdam
出版国家: Netherlands
刊  期: 半月刊
创刊时间: 1979
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 平均3月
中科院分区: 3
投稿命中率: 命中率约50%
国外数据库收录: IM
中国收录文章数: 45
5年影响因子: 2.484
研究领域: 神经病学
官方链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01650...
投稿须知: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01650...


The Journal of Neuroscience Methods publishes research papers and a limited number of broad and critical reviews dealing with new methods or significant developments of recognised methods, used to investigate the organisation and fine structure, biochemistry, molecular biology, histo- and cytochemistry, physiology, biophysics and pharmacology of receptors, neurones, synapses, and glial cells, in the nervous system of man, vertebrates and invertebrates, or applicable to the clinical and behavioural sciences, tissue culture, neurocommunications, biocybernetics or computer software. Although articles should be written in sufficient detail to allow others to verify these methods, they should also be intelligible to a broad scientific audience. In addition, the journal will publish letters in a camera-ready format containing comments or discussion of methodology described in this journal, or any other journal devoted to the neurosciences. Articles should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief. Submission of a paper to the Journal of Neuroscience Methods implies that it is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.
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