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Physiological genomics
if:2.806 更新:2015/2/5 字体:

Physiological genomics
影响因子: 2.806
I S S N: 1094-8341
出 版 社: American Physiological Society
出 版 地: Bethesda, MD
出版国家: United States
刊  期: 不规则
创刊时间: 1999
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 平均2月
中科院分区: 3
投稿命中率: 命中率约25%
国外数据库收录: IM
中国收录文章数: 5
5年影响因子: 3.478
研究领域: 遗传学、基因组、生理学
官方链接: http://physiolgenomics.physiology.org/
投稿须知: http://physiolgenomics.physiology.org/


Physiological Genomics publishes results of a wide variety of studies from human and from informative model systems with techniques linking genes and pathways to physiology, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. The Journal encourages the submission of research that links genes to cell replication, development, metabolic function, cell signal transduction and intracellular signaling pathways, tissue and organ function, and whole organism function. Physiological Genomics encourages the utilization of approaches ranging from expression profiling, assays for molecular interactions, natural and directed gene alteration, selective breeding studies, gene identification, and the assessment of gene/environment interaction. The Journal welcomes important new technologies and concepts that enhance the study of functional genomics. The Journal encourages publication of new computational approaches, integrative models, and image analysis predictive of gene function. Physiological Genomics also publishes invited reviews and perspectives that enhance the understanding of the link between genetics and physiology. The Journal is committed to rapid peer review to ensure the publication of high-quality papers and timely news and review articles.
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