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Journal of neuroinflammation
if:4.351 更新:2015/2/12 字体:

Journal of neuroinflammation
影响因子: 4.351
I S S N: 1742-2094 (电子版) 1742-2094 (ISSNLinking)
出 版 社: BioMed Central
出 版 地: London
出版国家: England
刊  期: 不规则
创刊时间: 2004
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 平均1月
中科院分区: 2
投稿命中率: 较易
国外数据库收录: IM
中国收录文章数: 33
5年影响因子: 5.071
研究领域: 中枢神经系统疾病、炎症
官方链接: http://www.springer.com/biomed/neuroscience/journa...
投稿须知: http://www.springer.com/biomed/neuroscience/journa...


Journal of Neuroinflammation is an Open Access, peer-reviewed online journal that focuses on innate immunological responses of the central nervous system, involving microglia, astrocytes, cytokines, chemokines, and related molecular processes. 'Neuroinflammation' is an encapsulization of the idea that microglial and astrocytic responses and actions in the central nervous system have a fundamentally inflammation-like character, and that these responses are central to the pathogenesis and progression of a wide variety of neurological disorders. This idea has revolutionized our understanding of Alzheimer's disease, where it originated, and now has applications to other neurodegenerative diseases, to ischemic/toxic diseases, and even to normal brain development. Neuroinflammation incorporates a wide spectrum of complex cellular responses that include microglia and astrocytes, cytokines and chemokines, complement proteins, acute phase proteins, oxidative injury, and related molecular processes. Neuroinflammation is a new and rapidly expanding field that has revolutionized our understanding of chronic neurological diseases. This field has grown to encompass researchers with backgrounds in many diverse fields, including pathology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, clinical medicine, and epidemiology. Important contributions to this field have come from work with populations, with patients, with postmortem tissues, with animal models, and with in vitro systems. The Journal of Neuroinflammation will bring together work focusing on common pathogenic processes, and provide a forum for integrative reviews and commentaries on this field.
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