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Neuropsychology review
if:6.42 更新:2015/2/16 字体:

Neuropsychology review
影响因子: 6.42
I S S N: 1040-7308 (印刷版) 1573-6660 (电子版) 1040-7308 (ISSNLinking)
出 版 社: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
出 版 地: New York, NY
出版国家: United States
刊  期: 季刊
创刊时间: 1990
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 约稿?周期不定
中科院分区: 2
投稿命中率: 较难
国外数据库收录: IM
5年影响因子: 7.526
研究领域: 神经系统疾病、神经心理学
官方链接: http://link.springer.com/journal/11065
投稿须知: http://link.springer.com/journal/11065


Neuropsychology Review is devoted to integrative review papers in all aspects of neuroscience contributing to a mechanistic understanding of human neuropsychology in normal and clinical populations. The journal's broad perspective is supported by an outstanding, multidisciplinary editorial board. The journal aims to publish scholarly articles that summarize and synthesize strengths and weaknesses in the literature and propose novel hypotheses, models, methods of analysis and links to other fields. Publication of new data is not the purview of the journal Topics include: explication of translational research bearing on clinical problems didactics on application of new methods and technologies to enable clinical and translational research, and critical, objective review of specific topics in neuropsychology Its refereed articles, written by international specialists, discuss complex issues, including: distinctive cognitive, sensory, and motor component processes affected by endogenous or acquired conditions affecting central nervous system function challenges in early diagnosis the impact of genes and environment on performance risk factors for functional impairment concepts and considerations affecting and enabling recovery and restitution of function clinical trial design neuropsychological function and its substrates characteristic of normal development and aging, and neuropsychological dysfunction and its substrates in neurological, psychiatric, and medical populations, and more Reviews include thoughtful consideration of neuroimaging or neurophysiological findings relevant to the topic at hand. 
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