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Advanced functional materials.
if:9.765 更新:2015/2/17 字体:

Advanced functional materials.
影响因子: 9.765
I S S N: 1616-301X
出 版 社: John Wiley and Sons
出 版 地: Germany
出版国家: Germany
刊  期: 月刊
创刊时间: 2001
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 平均4.5月
中科院分区: 1
投稿命中率: 命中率约25%
国外数据库收录: IM
5年影响因子: 10.342
研究领域: 真核生物
官方链接: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(IS...
投稿须知: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(IS...


At last you will have a chance to get the full story. Starting in 2001 the publishers of Advanced Materials will be bringing you Advanced Functional Materials as the full-paper sister journal to Advanced Materials . The journal will be edited by the Advanced Materials team of Peter Gregory Esther Levy and Alison Green and will cover all aspects of high-tech materials chemistry and physics. The content of Advanced Functional Materials will comprise the stimulating combination of Full Papers Feature Articles and Highlights. Full Papers will present details of outstanding materials science research Feature Articles will give you a comprehensive view of recent research developments while Highlight articles will provide you with a balanced view of new and topical subjects. Starting with 6 issues in 2001 Advanced Functional Materials will enjoy the same circulation as Advanced Materials. With the support of the internationally renowned Advisory Board and the dedicated editors of the world's no. 1 materials science journal Advanced Functional Materials replaces Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics published until the end of 2000 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester. Advanced Functional Materials is certain to become the premier international journal for professionals everywhere who want the full story on the best materials science and who want to stay informed on what's hot. Readers Materials scientists chemists physicists ceramicists engineers metallurgists
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