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Molecular aspects of medicine
if:10.375 更新:2015/2/17 字体:

Molecular aspects of medicine
影响因子: 10.375
I S S N: 0098-2997
出 版 社: Elsevier Science
出 版 地: Oxford
出版国家: England
刊  期: 双月刊
创刊时间: 1975
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 约稿?周期不定
中科院分区: 1
投稿命中率: 很难
国外数据库收录: IM
中国收录文章数: 5
5年影响因子: 10.821
研究领域: 生物化学、医学、分子生物学
官方链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00982...
投稿须知: http://ees.elsevier.com/mam/


It is the primary objective of this publication to encourage the bridging of the gap between clinicians of all relevant specialities and biomedical scientists working in areas from biochemistry and molecular and cell biology to physiology, pharmacology and pathology. A spectrum of topics in medicine will be selected to illustrate not only the molecular insights that derive from the application of basic science, but also the variety of challenging problems that medicine is able to offer the basic scientist. The Editors and publisher anticipate that most of the authors contributing to the series will be practising clinical scientists who will develop their own personal perspective as an extended review on the molecular aspects of a field of medicine in which they are working, addressing themselves both to the doctor who is ill-at-ease with basic science, and to the basic scientist with little awareness of the problems of clinical practice.
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