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来源:中山大学 更新:2007/7/5 字体:

姓  名:吴武田
  性  别:男
  职  称:教授
  学  历:博士研究生

何种导师: 博士生导师

学科专业:人体解剖与组织胚胎学; 神经生物学
  联系方式: E-mail: wtwu@hkucc.hku.hk



吴武田, 神经科学博士,博士生导师。1988-1991年,美国Graduate School of Old Domonion University and Eastern Virginia Medical School的神经科学博士;1992-1996年,美国Eastern Virginia Medical School神经科学系,助理教授,1996-1997年香港大学解剖系,助理教授。1997年至今,香港大学医学院解剖学系,副教授。中山大学客座教授。Journal of Histochem Cyrochem、Brain research、Experimental Neurology和Journal of Comparative Neurology的审稿专家;美国PVA脊髓研究基金委员会、美国Paralysis研究基金会评审专家。第四军医大学客座教授,中山大学客座教授。近20年来,吴武田博士一直致力于“神经损伤和再生机制的基础研究”,先后承担美国科研基金5项,其中有NIH基金,香港科研基金8项,发表论文80篇,被引频次1000余次,直接指导博士生9名,博士后10名。吴武田博士是脊髓损伤研究领域的国际知名学者,曾四次应邀在国际神经科学会议上作:“神经移植、NOS在神经损伤和再生中的作用”的专题报告。并应邀参编著名神经科学丛书:“Handbook of Chemical Neuroanatomy”。还作为分课题负责人承担2003-2008年 国家科技部重大项目基金(973项目)---“神经损伤的修复和重建的应用研究”。


1.Yaun, Q, Wu, W., So, K-F: Inflammatory response of spinal motoneurons to axonal injury in newborn rats. Developmental Neuroscience, 25:65-71, 2003. (Wu, W: corresponding author).

2.Xie, Y.Y., Yao, Z.B., Chai, H., Wong, W.M. and Wu, W.: Re-expression and regulation of low-ffinity nerve growth factor receptor (p75) in spinal motor neurons of aged rats following axonal injury. Developmental Neuroscience, 25:71-78, 2003. (Wu, W: corresponding author).

3.Xie, Y.Y., Yao, Z.B., Chai, H., Wong, W.M. and Wu, W.: Potential roles of Alzheimer precursor protein A4 and b-Amyloid in the survival and function of aged spinal motor neurons following axonal injuries. J. Neuroscience Research, 73:557-564, 2003. (Wu, W: corresponding author).

4.Gu, H.Y., Chai, H., Zhang, J.Y., Yao, Z.B., Zhou, L.H., Bruce, I. and Wu, W.*: Survival, regeneration and functional recovery of motoneurons in adult rats by reimplantation of ventral root following spinal root avulsion. Europ. J. Neurosci. 19:2123-2131, 2004. (Wu W., corresponding author).

5.Yick,L-W., So, K-F, Cheung, P.T. and Wu, W.*: Lithium chloride reinforces the regeneration-promoting effect of chondroitinase ABC on rubrospinal neurons after spinal cord injury. J. of Neirotrauma, 21(7):932-943, 2004. (Impact:2.866; Citation:2). 50%

6.Wu, W.*, Chai, H., Zhang J.Y., Gu, H.Y., Xie, Y.Y. and Zhou, L.H.: Delayed implantation of a peripheral nerve graft reduces motoneuron survival but does not affect regeneration following spinal root avulsion in adult rats. J. of Neurotrauma, 21(8): 1050-1058, 2004. (Wu W., corresponding author).

7.Gu, H.Y., Chai, H., Zhang, J.Y., Yao, Z.B., Zhou, L.H., Wong, W.M., Bruce, I. and Wu, W.*: Survival, regeneration and functional recovery of motoneurons after delayed reimplantation of ventral root in adult rat. Exp. Neurol. 192:89-99, 2005. (Wu W., corresponding author).

8.Zeng Y.S., Ding, Y., Wu, L.Z., Guo, J.S., Li, H.B. and Wu, W.*: Co-transplantation of Schwann cells promotes the survival and differentiation of neural stem cells transplanted into the injured spinal cord. Dev. Neurosci. 27:20-26, 2005. (Wu W., corresponding author).

9.Zhou, LH and Wu, W.*: Antisense oligos to neuronal nitric oxide synthase aggravate motoneuron death induced by spinal root avulsion in adult rat. Exp. Neurol.197:84-92. 2006. (Wu W., corresponding author).

10.Yuan, QJ, Scott, DE, So,KF, Wu, W.*: Developmental changes of nitric oxide synthase expression in the rat hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system. Anat. Record. 288A:36-45, 2006. (Wu W., corresponding author).

11.Yang, Y., Xie, Y.Y., Chai, H., Fan, F., Liu, S.H., Liu, H., Bruce, I., and Wu, W.*: Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression Patterns in Adult Spinal Motoneurons after Different types of Axonal Injuries. Brain Res. 1075:1-12, 2006. (Wu W., corresponding author). 医学.全.在线.网.站.提供

12.Yuan, QJ; Hu, B; So, KF; Wu, W.*: Age-related reexpression of p75 in axotomized motoneurons. NeuroReport, 17:711-715, 2006. (Wu W., corresponding author).

13.张伟,曾园山,吴武田,陈雅云,陈穗君.体外诱导的皮肤源性神经干细胞在大鼠受损伤脊髓内的存活、分化和迁移。解剖学报, 2006,37(3):360-363


15.李芳澜, 周丽华,袁群芳, 姚志彬,吴武田. EGb761增强c-jun表达减少轴突撕脱后运动神经元的死亡. 中国病理生理杂志,  2004, 10, 20(10):1783~1785.

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