Ph D 学位论文:
The Biological Evaluation and Clinical Significance of Tubular and Post-renal Proteinuria.
Submitted to Leeds University for PhD degree April 1983.
1. Biochemical and Immunological Aspect of Bladder Cancer in man In: Bladder Cancer,pp54-79, Elsebai ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton Florida,1983
2. Tubular Proteinuria after Burn Injury. In: Advances in Non- invasive Nephrology, pp 187-190, Lubec & Compese eds. John Libbey, London 1985
3. Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography in the Seperation of Urinary Proteins. In: Advances in Non-invasive Nephrology, pp 219-223 Lubec & Compese eds, John Libbey, London, 1985
4. 书籍章节:《恶性肿瘤的营养治疗》 赵昌俊主编:《临床营养治疗手册》 浙江科技出版社1993年
5. 书籍章节:《大肠癌的预防》 张天泽 徐光纬主编 《肿瘤学》 天津科技出版社1996年
6. 书籍:〈癌症病人的康复与保健〉 赵昌峻 余海 主编 浙江科技出版社 1997年9月
7. 书籍章节:〈大肠癌的预防〉 郑树主编 《大肠癌》天津科技出版社 1997年
8. 书籍章节:〈肿瘤病人的营养治疗〉 吴金民 赵昌峻 主编 《实用肿瘤治疗手册》浙江科学技术出版社 2000年
9. 书籍:〈全科医学导论〉 余海 主编 2001年月 四川科学技术出版社
10. 书籍章节:〈临床流行病学在肿瘤学研究中的应用〉 王家良主编 〈临床流行病学〉上海科学技术出版社 2001年8月第二版
11. 书籍章节: 《结直肠癌的预防》 郑树 主编 《结直肠肿瘤 基础研究与临床实践》人民卫生出版社 2006年3月第一版
论 文:
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2. Yu H, Cooper EH, Settle JAD and Meadows T. Urinary Protein Profile after Burn Injury. Burns, 1983, 9:339-349.
3. Yu H, Yanagisawa Y, Forbes MA, Cooper EH, Crockson RA and MacLemman ICM. Alpha-1-microglobulin, an Indicator Protein for Renal Tubular Function. J Clin Path 1983 36:253-259
4. Cooper EH, Yu H and Morgan DB. Tubulare Proteinurie. Laboratoriumslatter 1982 32:1-15
5. Marshall RJ, Yu H, Turner R and Cooper EH. Computer Analysis of Chromatographic Profile of Urine Proteins. In: Proceedings of Third International Symposium on HPLC of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides. Nov 14-16 1983 Monte Carlo, Monaco
6. Cooper EH, Turner R, Yu H and Linblom. Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography in the Seperation of Urinary Proteins. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Non-invasive Diagnosis of Renal Diseases. Sept. 11-14 1983 Vienna
7. Yu H, Marshall R, Cooper EH and Settle JAD. Tubular Proteinuria after Burn Injury. idem.
8. Cooper EH, Yu H and Morgan DB. La proteinuria Tubulare. Ric Clin Lab 1983 13(suppl 2):31-43.
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10. Marshall RT, Turner R, Yu H and Cooper EH. Cluster Analysis of Chromatographic Profiles of Urine Proteins. J Chromatogr 1984;297:235-244
11. Cooper EH, Yu H and Glashan RW. Proteinuria after Intravesical Chemotherapy. In Proceedings of Conference on Chemotherapy of Bladder Cancer. May 1985 York
12. Sandberg T, Cooper EH, Lidin-Janson G and Yu H. Fever and Proximal Tubular Function in Acute Pyelonephritis. Nephron 1985:41:39-44
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