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来源:本站原创 更新:2012/5/11 字体:

18)S. Zhu, R Nirula, Y Narayan, K Brasel, S Hargarten and P Layde. Body mass index associated with injury severity in motor vehicle crashes. Abstract of 2005 National Injury Prevention and Control Conference (CDC), May 8-11, 2005 Denver. (Poster presentation)

19)S. Zhu, P Layde, C Guse, PM Laud, F Pintar, S Hargarten. Obesity and risk of death in motor vehicle crashes. Annual Meeting of North American Association for Study Obesity and American Diabetes Association, Las Vegas, NV. Obesity Research 2004; 12(suppl): A10. (Oral presentation)

20)S. Zhu, SB Heymsfield, H Toyoshima, Z Wang, A Pietrobelli and S Heshka. Race-ethnicity specific waist circumference cutoff points for identifying obesity-related risk factors. Annual Meeting of North American Association for Study Obesity and American Diabetes Association, Las Vegas, NV. Obesity Research 2004; 12(suppl): A194. (Poster presentation)

21)S. Zhu, P Layde, C Guse, PM Laud, S Hargarten. Motor vehicle fatality: Risk associated with height, weight and body mass index. Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association, November 2004, Washington DC. (Oral presentation)

22)S. Zhu, P Layde, and S Hargarten. Motor vehicle fatality: Risk associated with obesity. The 30th International Traffic Records Forum, July 25 – 28, 2004, TN. (Oral presentation)

23)S. Zhu, S Heshka, SB Heymsfield. The power of height in a weight/height quotient that best predicts cardiovascular www.med126.comdisease risk. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology, Washington DC. FASEB Journal 2004; 18(suppl). (Poster presentation)

24)S Heshka, S. Zhu, and K Miller-Kovach. Predictive value of motivation scales for weight loss. Annual Meeting of North American Association for Study Obesity, Florida. Obesity Research 2003; 11: A103 S

25)S. Zhu, M-P St-Onge, S Heshka, SB Heymsfield. Associations of physical activity with metabolic syndrome by BMI category. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA. FASEB Journal 2003; 17: A2. (Oral presentation)

26)W. Shen, S. Zhu, Z. Wang, MP. St-Onge, M. Punyanita, SB Heymsfield, S. Heshka. High correlation between single slice area and multi-slice volume imaging of the abdominal region despite high intra-subject between-slice variability in visceral adipose tissue. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA. FASEB Journal 2003; 17: A744.

27)S. Zhu, A. Jones Jr., SB. Heymsfield, S Heshka. Relationship of waist circumference with metabolic risk factors in NHANES III: clinical action thresholds among African Americans and Mexican Americans. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA. FASEB Journal 2003; 17: A1089. (Oral presentation)

28)Alfredo Jones Jr., W. Shen, F. Rubiano, S. Zhu, M. Punyanita, SB. Heymsfield. Visceral adipose tissue prediction: www.med126.comAre race differences after controlling for waist circumference and age? Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA. FASEB Journal 2003; 17: A743.

29)S. Zhu, Y.W. Park, L Palaniappan, S. Heshka, M.R. Carnethon, S.B. Heymsfield. The Metabolic Syndrome: Effects of ethnicity, BMI and socioeconomic risk factors. The 9th International Congress on Obesity, Sao Paulo, Brazil. International Journal of Obesity 2002; (Suppl). (Poster presentation)

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