姓名:叶海虹 性别:女 职称:教授
招生院所:基础医学院 招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕)
招生专业:遗传学(博) 遗传学(硕)
1. 199409-199807:北京大学生命科学学院生理及生物物理学系 本科
2. 199807-200308:美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院神经科学系 博士研究生
3. 200407-200708:新加坡国立分子细胞生物学研究所 博士后
4. 200803-201205:中国科学院生物物理研究所 副研究员
5. 201205- :首都医科大学基础医学院医学遗传学系 教授
1. Zhu K, Xu Y, Liu J, Xu Q and Ye H*.Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule and its functions in neural development. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2011,27(1):45-52.SCI
2. Ye H*, Zhao T, Tan YLJ, Liu J, Pallen CJ and Xiao ZC.Receptor-like Protein-tyrosine Phosphatase alpha Enhances Cell Surface Expression of Neural Adhesion Molecule NB-3. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2011,286(29):26071-80.SCI
3. Guo W, Chen Y, Zhou X, Kar A, Ray P, Chen X, Rao EJ, Yang M, Ye H, Zhu L, Liu J, Xu M, Yang Y, Wang C, Zhang D, Bigio EH, Mesulam M, Shen Y, Xu Q, Fushimi K, Wu JY*.An ALS-associated mutation affecting TDP-43 enhances protein aggregation, fipil formation and neurotoxicity. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.. 2011,18(7):822-30.SCI
4. Xu Y, Ye H*, Shen Y, Xu Qi*, Zhu Li, Liu J and Wu JY*.Dscam mutation leads to hydrocephalus and decreased motor function. Protein & Cell. 2011,2(8):647-55.SCI
5. Ye H, Liu J and Wu JY*.Cell Adhesion Molecules and Their Involvement in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neurosignals. 2010,18(2):62-71.SCI
6. Ye H, Tan YJ, Ponniah S, Takeda Y 医学全在线搜集整,理www.med126.com , Wang SQ, Schachner M, Watanabe K, Pallen CJ, Xiao ZC*.Neural Recognition Molecule CHL1 and NB-3 Regulate Apical Dendrite Orientation in Neocortex via PTPalpha. EMBO. J.. 2008,27(1):188-200.SCI
7. Zhou C, Tai C, Ye HH, Ren X, Chen JG, Wang SQ, Chai Z*.Interleukin-1beta downregulates the L-type Ca2+ channel activity by depressing the expression of channel protein in cortical neurons. J Cell Physiol. 2006,206(3):799-806.SCI
8. Zhou C, Ye HH, Wang SQ, Chai Z*.Interleukin-1beta regulation of N-type Ca2+ channels in cortical neurons. Neurosci Lett. 2006,403(1-2):181-5.SCI
9. Chen X, Ye H, Kuruvilla R, Zhang C, Johnson NM, England PM, Shokat KM, Ginty DD*.A Chemical-Genetic Approach to Studying Neurotrophin Signaling. Neuron. 2005,46(1):13-21.SCI
10. Kuruvilla R, Zweifel LS, Glebova NO, Lonze BE, Valdez G, Ye H, Ginty DD*.A neurotrophin signaling cascade coordinates sympathetic neuron development through differential control of TrkA trafficking and retrograde signaling. Cell. 2004,118(2):243-55.SCI
11. Ye H#, Kuruvilla R#, Zweifel LS, Ginty DD*.Evidence in support of signaling endosome-based retrograde survival of sympathetic neurons. Neuron. 2003,39(1):57-68.SCI
12. Kuruvilla R, Ye H, Ginty DD*.Spatially and functionally distinct roles of the PI3-K effector pathway during NGF signaling in sympathetic neurons. Neuron. 2000,27(3):499-512.SCI