naloxone | 纳洛酮 |
naltrexone | 纳曲酮 |
narcotic analgesic agent | 麻醉性止痛药 |
narcotic antagonist | 麻醉药品拮抗剂 |
narcotic dependence | 麻醉药依赖 |
narcotics | 麻醉药 |
narcotics addiction | 麻醉药成瘾 |
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) | 麻醉药品滥用者互助协会(戒毒会) |
needle sharing | 共用针头 |
needle track | 注射斑痕 |
neurological susceptibility | 易感性 |
nicotiana tabacum | 烟草 |
nicotine | 尼古丁,烟碱 |
nicotine gum | 尼古丁胶姆糖 |
nicotinism | 尼古丁中毒 |
nonopioid analgesic | 非阿片类镇痛药 |
papaveracease | 罂粟科 |
papaverine | 罂粟碱 |
papaveris capsular | 罂粟壳 |
paregorism | 阿片瘾 |
passive smoking | 被动吸烟 |
per os | 口服 |
pharmacodynamic tolerance | 药效耐受性 |
pharmacokinetics | 药代动力学 |
pharmacological dependence | 药物依赖 |
pharmacology | 药理学 |
physical dependence | 身体依赖 |
physical withdrawal | 躯体戒断 |
physiological dependence | 身体依赖(生理依赖) |
place preference | 位置偏爱实验 |
poppy shell | 罂粟壳 |
powdered opium | 阿片粉剂 |
prevention | 预防 |
primary prevention | 初级预防,一级预防 |
protracted opioid abstinence syndrome | 阿片戒断综合征 |
protracted syndrome | 稽延性症状 |
psychoactive substance abuse | 精神活性物质滥用 |
psychotherapeutics | 精神治疗,心理治疗 |
psychotherapy | 心理治疗 |
pupillary dilation | 瞳孔扩大 |
relapse | 复吸 |
relapse prevention | 预防复吸 |
reward center | 奖赏中枢 |
reward system | 奖赏系统 |
reward effect | 奖赏效应 |
route of administration | 用药途径 |
route of transmission | 传播途径 |
smoke | 吸烟 |
smokeless tobacco | 无烟烟草 |
smoker | 吸烟者 |
smoking cessation | 戒烟 |
sniffing glue | 嗅胶 |
snort | 鼻吸 |
social interaction | 社会干预 |
soft drug | 软性毒品 |
solvent abuse | 溶媒滥用 |
solvent inhalation | 溶媒吸入剂 |
solvents | 溶剂 |
stimulant | 兴奋剂 |
streat drug | 市售药[毒]品 |
street drug user | 街头吸毒者 |
street heroin | 市售海洛因 |
street huffer | 街头溶剂滥用者 |
street junkie | 吸毒者 |
substance(drug)-seeking behavior | 觅药行为 |
syndrome | 综合征 |