Currently, Tuina is taught as a separate but equal field of study in the major traditional Chinese medical colleges. Tuina doctors receive the same demanding training as acupuncturists and herbalists and enjoy the same level of professional respect.
Benefits, Limitations, Contraindications
Tuina is well suited for the treatment of specific musculoskeletal disorders and chronic stress-related disorders of the digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems. Effective treatment protocols have been tested in a practical setting. Tuina is not especially useful for those seeking a mild, sedating and relaxing massage since it tends to be more task focused than other types of bodywork. Contraindications include conditions involving fractures, phlebitis, infectious conditions, open wounds, and lesions.
Biography医 学 全 在 线
Bill Helm, O.B.T., T.S., AOBTA Certified Instructor
Bill has been studying martial and healing arts since 1965. He specializes in Tuina, Taijiquan, Qi Gong, and herbal medicine. Bill studied in China at the Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine College and at the Beijing Olympic Training Center, and in the United States with Taoist Master Share K. Lew and Dr. Yu Da Fang. Bill has taught Tuina since 1978 and the Dean of Allied Arts at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and Director of the Taoist Sanctuary of San Diego.
Mr. Helm offers Tuina workshops.
You may request additional information on these by contacting:
Bill Helm
Taoist Sanctuary
4229 Park Blvd.
San Diego, Ca. 92103
fax 619-692-0428