Management of Possible Accidents
血肿 Hematoma.
原因 针刺时误伤血管,起针时没有及时按压。
This may arise from injury of the blood vessels during insertion, or from no pressing of the point after withdrawing the needle. |
现象 出针后,局部肿胀疼痛,皮肤呈青紫色。
Manifestation Local swelling, distension and pain after the withdrawal of the needle. The skin of the local place is blue and purplish.
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处理 轻度血肿,一般不必处理,可自行消退。若局部疼痛较剧,肿胀明显者,先作冷敷或加压止血,血止后再作热敷以促使局部淤血消散。
Management Generally, a slight hematoma may disappear by itself. If the local swelling, distension and pain are serious, first press it or apply cold compression locally to stop bleeding, hot compression can be applied to promote resolution of the blood stasis, after bleeding completely ceased. 医学全在线www.med126.com
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预防 避开血管针刺,出针时立即用消毒干棉球揉按压迫针孔。
Prevention Avoid injuring the blood vessels and points are pressed with sterilized cotton ball as soon as the needle is withdrawn. |