Stimulation areas of the posterior side of the head
足运感区 Foot Motor Sensory Area.
部位 在前后正中线的中点,旁开左右各1厘米处为起点,由此点向后引平行于前后正中线3厘米长的直线。
Location Starting from the point 1cm lateral to the midpoint of the anterior and posterior midline of the head with which it paralles and continues for 3cm long.
主治 对侧下肢痛、麻木、瘫痪,急性腰扭伤,皮层性多尿、夜尿、子宫脱垂等。
Indications Pain, numbness or paralysis of lower limb of the contra-lateral side, acute lumbar sprain, cortical polyuria, prolapse of uterus, etc. |