主症 头痛头晕,汗多,皮肤灼热,气粗,舌燥,口干烦渴,脉浮大而数。
Main Manifestations Headache, dizziness, profuse sweating, hot skin, coarse breathing, dry mouth and tongue, extreme thirst, superficial, large and rapid pulse.
治法 取督脉,手厥阴、阳明经穴为主。针刺用泻法,以泄热祛暑。
Treatment Reducing at the points of Governor Vessel, Pericardium and Large Intestine Meridians is applied to eliminate the summer heat.
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处方 大椎 内关 曲池 委中
Prescription Dazhui(GV 14), Neiguan(PC 6), Quchi(LI 11) and Weizhong (BL 40) |
主症 先头痛,烦渴,呼吸喘急,继则突然昏倒,不省人事,汗出,脉沉而无力。
Main Manifestations Headache, extreme thirst and shortness of breath at first, and then collapse, loss of consciousness, sweating, deep and faint pulse.医学.全在.线www.med126.com
治法 取督脉经穴为主。针刺用泻法,以开窍、泄热、祛暑。
Treatment Reducing manipulation is applied at the points of the Governor Vessel to resuscitate and eliminate heat.
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处方 水沟 百会 十宣 曲泽 委中
Prescription Shuigou(GV 26), Baihui(GV 20), Shixuan(EX-VE11), Quze(PC 3) and Weizhong(BL 40) |