大便艰涩难下,经常三、五日或更长时间一次。或身热,烦渴,口臭,脉数,苔黄燥;或胁腹胀满疼痛,噫气频作,纳食减少,苔厚腻,脉弦。 |
Main Manifestations Difficult passage of dry, hard stool, defecation every three to five days, or even longer. General fever, thirst, foul breath, rapid pulse, yellow dry tongue coating or fullness and distending pain in the abdomen and hypochondriac regions, frequent belching, loss of appetite, thin, sticky tongue coating, string-taut pulse. |
主症 便秘而排泄无力,或见面色口唇晄白无华,头晕心悸,神疲气怯,舌淡苔薄,脉象虚细;或见腹中冷痛,喜热畏寒,舌淡,苔白润,脉沉迟。
Main Manifestations Difficult passage of dry stools, pale complexion and lips, dizziness and palpitation, lassitude, shortness of breath, pale tongue, thin tongue coating, thready and weak pulse, or abdominal pain, preference for warmth and aversion to cold, pale tongue, white and moist tongue coating, deep, slow pulse.医.学 全在.线提供www.med126.com |
治法 取大肠俞、募穴及三焦、肾经穴为主。实秘用泻法,以清热润肠,疏肝理气;虚秘用补法,以补益气血,润肠通便;寒秘:加灸以温下焦通便。
Treatment Select the Back-Shu and Front-Mu points of Large Intestine Meridian and the points of Triple Energizer and Kidney Meridians as principal points. For excess condition, the reducing manipulation is applied to remove the heat and Qi stagnancy and moisten the intestine, while for deficiency condition, the reinforcing manipulation is used to reinforce Qi and blood and moisten the intestines. Constipation due to cold can be relieved by moxibustion to warm the Lower Energizer for defecation.
处方 大肠俞、天枢、支沟、照海、左水道
Prescription Dachangshu (BL25), Tianshu (ST25), Zhigou (TE6), Zhaohai (KI6), Shuidao (ST28)
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随证配穴 热盛:加曲池、合谷;
Additional Points Add Quchi (LI11), Hegu (LI4) for accumulation of heat; |