英文题名 | Control of phenomenon of getting sensation of acupuncture and meridian sensation transmission by acutherapy of reinforcement and reduction in Neijing
个人著者 | 王毅刚, 田丰伟, 王竹行
团体著者 | |
第一著者单位 | 重庆 重庆市中医研究所 400013
第一著者地址 | 重庆
出处 | 针灸临床杂志.-2004,20(3) 1-3
中文文摘 | 《灵枢》《素问》文献研究表明针刺“气至”现象是针刺引起气的活动,针刺“气至”可分为“正气至”、“谷气至”、“邪气出”、“正邪相争”等不同反应,针刺“补泻手法”的技巧在于对不同性质气至现象的利用与控制,形成了深浅补泻、迎随补泻、呼吸补泻、徐疾补泻、开阖补泻、方员补泻等。补泻手法的技术关键乃是基于一种观念上“出邪气,补正气”的认识。
英文文摘 | Lingshu and Suwen have revealed that the phenomenon of getting sensation of acupuncture and meridian sensation transmission is many kinds of induction produced by acutherapies. That getting sensation of acupuncture and meridian sensation transmission is divided into many kinds of ,such as getting the healthy qi of acupuncture, getting the gu qi of acupuncture, climinating evil qi from meridian, conflicting of healthy qi and evil qi, and so on. The skill of acutherapy of reinforcement and reduction can control there different phenomena of getting sensation of acupuncture and meridian sensation transmission. There are acutherapies of reinforcement and reduction by deep or shallow insertion, by rapid or slowing insertion, by ying or suen insertion, by closing or open insertion, by fang yuan insertion, etc. The aim of acutherapy is strengthening the healthy qi to eliminate pathogenic factors.
文献类型 | 历史文献(PT); 中文摘要; 英文摘要
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主题词 | 针刺补泻/历史;针刺补泻/方法;针刺行气/历史;气至病所;针灸研究;《内经》;《素问》;《灵枢经》;中国
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医学史 | 医学史,战国 (475-221 B.C.);医学史,秦朝(221-207 B.C);医学史,汉朝(206 B.C -220 A.D);医学史,古代 (公元前500);医学史,古代 (公元500年以前)
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分类号 | R2; R242; R221; R245; R245.3
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