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Life sciences
if:2.555 更新:2015/2/2 字体:

Life sciences
影响因子: 2.555
I S S N: 0024-3205
出 版 社: Elsevier
出 版 地: Amsterdam
出版国家: Netherlands
刊  期: 周刊
创刊时间: 1973
语  种: 英文
审稿周期: 平均4.6月
中科院分区: 3
投稿命中率: 命中率约55%
国外数据库收录: IM
中国收录文章数: 164
5年影响因子: 2.704
研究领域: 生物化学、生物、药理学、生理学
官方链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00243...
投稿须知: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00243...


Life Sciences is an international weekly journal publishing reports on research in biomedical areas. Articles are encouraged that emphasize the molecular, cellular and functional aspects of Cardiovascular & Autonomic Mechanisms; Drug Metabolism; Endocrinology; Growth Factors and Neoplasia; Immunology; Neuroscience and Toxicology. The Journal publishes original research rapidly. Although full-length manuscripts are favored, shorter submissions are also considered. These shorter articles must be of the same high quality as full-length articles, and should contain information from topical and fast-moving fields in order to merit more rapid communication. Mini-reviews on topics of wide interest to investigators in the life sciences are also published. All articles are rigorously reviewed. The Journal favors publication of papers where modern scientific technologies are used to explain molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms. Articles that merely report observations are rarely accepted. Recommendations from the Declaration of Helsinki or NIH guidelines for care and use of laboratory animals must be adhered to. Articles should be written at a level accessible to readers who are non-specialists in the topic of the article themselves, but who are interested in the research.
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