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来源:本站原创 更新:2017/5/23 字体:


经过中国科学引文数据库(Chinese Science Citation Database,简称CSCD)定量遴选、专家定性评估, 2017-2018年度中国科学引文数据库收录来源期刊1229种,其中中国出版的英文期刊201种,中文期刊1028种。中国科学引文数据库来源期刊分为核心库和扩展库两部分,其中核心库887种(以备注栏中C为标记);扩展库342种(以备注栏中E为标记)。


121 Journal of Geriatric Cardiology 1671-5411 C
122 Journal of Hydrodynamics 1001-6058 C
123 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 C
124 Journal of Integrative Medicine 2095-4964 C
125 Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1672-9072 C
126 Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International 1006-706X C
127 Journal of Marine Science and Application 1671-9433 C
128 Journal of Materials Science & Technology 1005-0302 C
129 Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications 2095-2651 C
130 Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation 1674-8042 C
131 Journal of Meteorological Research 2095-6037 C
132 Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 1674-2788 C
133 Journal of Mountain Science 1672-6316 C
134 Journal of Ocean University of China 1672-5182 C
135 Journal of Otology 1672-2930 C
136 Journal of Palaeogeography 2095-3836 C
137 Journal of Partial Differential Equations 1000-940X C
138 Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2095-1779 C
139 Journal of Plant Ecology 1752-9921 C
140 Journal of Rare Earths 1002-0721 C
141 Journal of Resources and Ecology 1674-764X C
142 Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 1674-7755 C
143 Journal of Semiconductors 1674-4926 C
144 Journal of Systematics and Evolution 1674-4918 C
145 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 1004-4132 C
146 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 1009-6124 C
147 Journal of Systems Science and Information 1478-9906 C
148 Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 1004-3756 C
149 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 2194-668X C
150 Journal of Thermal Science 1003-2169 C
151 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 0255-2922 C
152 Journal of Zhejiang University. Science A, Applied Physics & Engineering 1673-565X C
153 Journal of Zhejiang University. Science B, Biomedicine & Biotechnology 1673-1581 C
154 Landscape Architecture Frontiers 2095-5405 C
155 Light:Science & Applications 2095-5545 C
156 Microsystems & Nanoengineering 2096-1030 C
157 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 C
158 Nano Research-医 学全,在线www.med126.com.搜集.整理 1998-0124 C
159 National Science Review 2095-5138 C
160 Neural Regeneration Research 1673-5374 C
161 Neuroscience Bulletin 1673-7067 C
162 Nuclear Science and Techniques 1001-8042 C
163 Numerical Mathematics Theory, Methods and Applications 1004-8979 C
164 Particuology 1674-2001 C
165 Pedosphere 1002-0160 C
166 Petroleum Science 1672-5107 C
167 Photonic Sensors 1674-9251 C
168 Plant Diversity 2096-2703 C
169 Plasma Science & Technology 1009-0630 C
170 Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 1002-0071 C
171 Protein & Cell 1674-800X C
172 Quantitative Biology 2095-4689 C
173 Rare Metals 1001-0521 C
174 Reproductive and Developmental Medicine 2096-2924 C
175 Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 1674-4527 C
176 Rice Science-医学全在线,搜集整,理www.med126.com 1672-6308 C
177 Science Bulletin 2095-9273 C
178 Science China. Chemistry 1674-7291 C
179 Science China. Earth Sciences 1674-7313 C
180 Science China. Information Sciences 1674-733X C










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