代码 | 2.9.82
发音 | |
异名 | |
英文名 | liver yang deficiency
定义 | a pattern/syndrome due to weakened yang qi with
diminished function of the liver, marked by depression
and susceptibility to fright, distension and oppression
in the hypochondriac regions, fear of cold with cold
limbs, dizziness, blurred vision, pale tongue with white
coating and sunken slow weak pulse
译者 | |
发行年代 | |
国家 |
2019閸栬顒熼懕宀€袨閼板啳鐦0妯虹氨 閸忓秷鍨傜拠鏇犳暏>> |
85514娴滃搫鍑$拠鏇犳暏 鐎广垺婀囬崪銊嚄閿涳拷13588130315 |