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来源:医学全在线 更新:2008/10/3 字体:

:: 子午流注法纳子法取穴 Selection Points by Earth Meridian Ebb-Flowing Rule ::   

 纳子法又叫纳支法,是将一天的十二个时辰配属脏腑和地支,结合病候和气血流注时间而行补母泻子的按时取穴方法。具体应用是,当本脏(或腑)有实邪时,就在本脏腑气血充盛时泻其子穴,如本脏腑虚时,则在气血方衰(即流注本脏腑的下一个时辰)时补其母穴;如果补泻时间已过,或病症的虚实不明显时,则取本经的原穴或与本经同一属性的穴(本经本穴)进行治疗,用平补平泻法。 医学 全在.线提供www.med126.com
 Considering the earth meridians is also called considering the earth branches. By this method, a dye (24 hours ) is divided into 12 hour period. Each is represented by a Chinese character called earth branch which, in turn , corresponds with Zany-Fu organ respectively. Then according to different hour periods, the Qi and blood flow ebbs or flows in considering the symptoms at the same time to choose the points to strengthen the mother and reduce the son. In application, when the affected Zang (or Fu ) organ is in excess of Qi-blood flow reduce the son point. When the organs are deficient, strengthen the mother point at the next hour-period when the Qi-blood flow begins to wane. If time for reinforcing or reducing has passed, the excess and deficiency syndromes don't appear obviously, select the Yuan-Primary point of the affected meridian or the affected meridian for treatment. Even reinforcing and reducing can be employed.

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