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来源:医学全在线 更新:2008/10/7 字体:

十三、呼吸Resp., 咳嗽Cough, 痰Sputum

He complains of difficulty of breathing, which annoyed him for several days.
-呼吸困难 breathe hard (with difficulty) ; have difficulty in breathing ( respiration)
-呼吸困难 dyspnea (夜间性 nocturnal, 发作性paroxysmal)
-安静时(运动性)呼吸困难 dyspnea at rest (on exertion)
-常发生发作性夜间呼吸困难 frequent episodes of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
-呼吸困难突然厉害起来 have sudden increase in dyspnea
-患轻微的运动性呼吸困难 have some mild exertional dyspnea
-患急性呼吸困难 have an acute attack of dyspnea
-无呼吸困难 have no respiratory embarrassment
-偶有心悸 have occasional palpitations
-心悸反复发生 have recurrent episodes of palpations
The next morning the patient became extremely dyspneic and weak.
He always becomes short-winded when walking hastily or going up stairs.

The patient coughs very often and expectorates foul-smelling grayish sputum.
-种类 short, sharp, small, dry(hasty), moist, constant, painful, irritable, spasmodic, wheezing, distressed, rasping
-咳个不停 have a fit of coughing; cough oneself into a fit (fits)
-苦咳个不停 have a hard (racking; convulsive) cough
-患4天干燥发作性咳嗽 experience a 4-day episode of dry paroxysmal cough.
-2岁时开始有间歇性烦咳 intermittent hacking cough started at 2 years old
-咳嗽减少了 one's cough diminished
-发生轻度无痰的干咳 develop slight nonproductive cough
-有点(很多)咯血 have minimal (massive) hemoptysis.
-咯出一点血 cough (expectorate; spit) up (out) a little blood
-开始咯出黑血斑点 began coughing op flecks of dark blood
-呕血 vomit blood
He coughed occasionally, but he has never experienced pain in the thorax, fever, or loss of weight.
For the last 6 months, he has been coughing with slight hemoptysis.

-种类 thin, thick, fetid, serous, frothy, tenacious, viscous, mucous( mucoid), mucopurulent, transparent, seropurulent, rusty医学全在线www.med126.com
-中等量(多量、大量)带有灰白色痰的咳嗽 moderate amounts ( a great deal, large quantities) of grayish-white sputum
-痰涌上咽喉,有酸味 phlegm wells up in the throat and tastes sour
-痰堵住嗓子了 phlegm blocked the windpipe
-半杯黄色痰 one half cup of yellowish sputum
-吐脓性,偶而带血的痰 produce purulent, occasionally blood-tinged sputum
-开始有点咳嗽,并且有约3公撮的血痰 began to have some cough and produced about 3 ml. of bloody sputum.
-一点也咳不出痰 do not raise any phlegm at all
-咳痰停止了 expectoration ceased
He began to expectorate small amounts of blood-streaked sputum.
His cough was not so severe as it had been and sputum was no longer flecked with blood.

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