英文题名 | On Edema Caused by Pathogenic Wind in the Huangdi
个人著者 | 成晓燕, 王洪琦
团体著者 | |
第一著者单位 | 广东 广州中医药大学 510405
第一著者地址 | 广东
出处 | 河南中医.-2003,23(11) 3-4
中文文摘 | 风水最早载于《内经》,散见于其中多篇,其病因为风邪袭表、肾风误刺; 病机为肾阳不足,肺失宣降;主症为浮肿、咳喘、脉浮;治疗应发汗、攻逐、利小便,亦可针刺治疗。后世医家对《内经》风水理论多有发挥,如汉·张仲景、隋·巢元方、唐·孙思邈、元·朱丹溪、明·张景岳、清·李中梓等。风水的现代研究,在病因病机、诊断标准、辨证分型等方面,结合现代医学观点,亦有所发挥。
英文文摘 | Edema caused by pathogenic wind was first recorded in Huangdi's Internal Classics, which states that it is the result in invasion by pathogenic wind into the exterior, arising from kidney yang deficiency and dysfunction of the lungs with chief manifestations of edema, dyspnea, and floating pulse. Diaphoretic, purgative, and diuretic methods should be used. Acupuncture therapy may also be applied. Physicians of later generations, like Zhang Zhongjing in the Han dynasty, Chao Yuanfang in the Sui dynasty, Sun Simiao in the Tang dynasty, Zhu Danxi in the Yuan dynasty, Zhang Jingyue in the Ming dynasty, Li Zhongzi in the Qing dynasty, have elaborated this theory. So have modern researches on edema caused by pathogenic wind regarding its etiology and pathogenesis, diagnostic standards, and differential classification.
文献类型 | 历史文献(PT);中文摘要;英文摘要
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主题词 | 水肿/中医病机;水肿/中医药疗法;水肿/历史;水肿/针灸疗法;穴,肾俞;水肿/诊断
特征词 | 人类
医学史 | 医学史,战国 (475-221 B.C.);医学史,秦朝(221-207 B.C);医学史,汉朝(206 B.C -220 A.D);医学史,古代 (公元500年以前)
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关键词 | 《内经》;病因;病机;主症;治疗
分类号 | R44; R224.2
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